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Idiopathic Epilepsies plz guide and help

Fri, 03/23/2018 - 05:47
what is the cure Idiopathic Epilepsies ?? my brother had first time fits in his life he is 23 year old he got first fits 16-03-2018 while sleeping doctor diagnosed and said he has Idiopathic Epilepsies. is it danger type of epilepsy ?and how often this fits happen please guide and what the first aid


Idiopathic epilepsy means

Submitted by Amy Jo on Fri, 2018-03-23 - 12:43
Idiopathic epilepsy means they don't know the reason for the epilepsy. Most people don't know the reason for their epilepsy. What's more important is to know what kinds of seizures he has - do they occur everywhere in the brain or start in a part of the brain, what are his triggers (poor sleep, illness, stress, certain foods, etc), and also are his seizures ones have been dangerous in the past (seizure didn't stop on its own, stops his breathing, etc). That guides the types of medication they'll try although they may just try keppra first (that's common in the US, don't know where you are). Idiopathic used to also mean a likely genetic epilepsy but now many of those epilepsies are known genetic epilepsies.So usually diagnosis is more involved and includes tests - EEG, imaging, maybe a sleep study, etc...

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