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Pacemaker & seizures this spring at 38

Thu, 06/30/2005 - 08:33

Hi everyone.  I'm new here and really could use some advice and compare notes with others who might have had the same situation.  I am a 38 yr old male who woke up March 13, 2005 with left side numbness.  After it was all said and done, they found out my heart was stopping at times (so I got a pacemaker) and going too fast at other times (so I'm on Atenolol), and then this month they discovered I am having focal seizure activity.  This has caused me to lose my job in law enforcement.

I am feeling very depressed and useless right now.  I have 4 kids and they don't understand why daddy can't do stuff or go to work right now.  How do you cope with the seizures while they are regulating your medication?  Will my life ever return to normal?  I am being weaned off Gabapentin right now and am taking 300 mg Carbatrol 3 pills a day.


RE: Pacemaker & seizures this spring at 38

Submitted by Spiz on Thu, 2005-06-30 - 08:21

    Hello and welcome!

       I know it has to be a hard, stressful time for you right now. Try to take a deep breath and relax - I know, easier said than done. But it is important to try to de-stress yourself as much as possible. Just take one day at a time for now until your meds are regulated. And that may or may not take awhile. But we are here to talk to in the meantime and afterwards. Anytime you need to talk.

       I believe focal seizures are the same as partial seizures. This site has great info on seizures, epilepsy and medications. The info is alot of help when you are trying to learn what is going on with yourself.

      You take care and remember....we are here!


    Hello and welcome!

       I know it has to be a hard, stressful time for you right now. Try to take a deep breath and relax - I know, easier said than done. But it is important to try to de-stress yourself as much as possible. Just take one day at a time for now until your meds are regulated. And that may or may not take awhile. But we are here to talk to in the meantime and afterwards. Anytime you need to talk.

       I believe focal seizures are the same as partial seizures. This site has great info on seizures, epilepsy and medications. The info is alot of help when you are trying to learn what is going on with yourself.

      You take care and remember....we are here!


RE: Pacemaker & seizures this spring at 38

Submitted by grez-monkey on Thu, 2005-06-30 - 08:33

Welcome to the group. There is one starter webpage in this overall website called Kids Zone. It may be something your kids might be interested in going through so they, just as well as you too, can go through the basic understanding of epilepsy. Here's the introduction website at There is also another webpage with additional information for teenagers, located at AND another one for family & caregivers

Spend some good quality time with your kids and learn about epilepsy together, because whenever you're doing something like this with your kids, it sir, is normal.

As for your situation with your heart stopping and running like crazy, my first guess is that it probably has something to do with you being in law enforcement. To much stress. And stress can be one of the affects to cause seizures.

All of this may take some time to recover from, if at all fully possible. So use this time frame wisely and make it the best time to be with your kids while they're still little kids.

Good luck and have fun.

Bruce J


Welcome to the group. There is one starter webpage in this overall website called Kids Zone. It may be something your kids might be interested in going through so they, just as well as you too, can go through the basic understanding of epilepsy. Here's the introduction website at There is also another webpage with additional information for teenagers, located at AND another one for family & caregivers

Spend some good quality time with your kids and learn about epilepsy together, because whenever you're doing something like this with your kids, it sir, is normal.

As for your situation with your heart stopping and running like crazy, my first guess is that it probably has something to do with you being in law enforcement. To much stress. And stress can be one of the affects to cause seizures.

All of this may take some time to recover from, if at all fully possible. So use this time frame wisely and make it the best time to be with your kids while they're still little kids.

Good luck and have fun.

Bruce J


RE: Pacemaker & seizures this spring at 38

Submitted by stregademare on Fri, 2005-07-01 - 10:06
Hi, I am 36 and in the past 3 years have had an ablation and two pacemakers and was just diagnoses with seizures. I too have children and am dealing with the same problems but they are adjusting with the help of neighbors, friends, a great support system including doctors and this site which has offered so much. I was in the middle of my CPAT for Phoenix fire when I blacked out and they found I had heart issues. All I knew was running the grind everyday and mentoring at the academy. When the doctors told me to go back to normal life I was like NORMAL?????? for who an 80 year old. I am in therapy now dealing with some of these issues. Still trying to find the right seizure meds but I'll get through this. I am in the right spot and these are a great bunch of people. Keep up the hope and keep up with the site. Everyone here is able ito help iin one way or another. Contact me if you want at Best of wishes. GL    and keep coming back.         Bye, Danielle

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