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Am I alone in feeling this way?

Sat, 01/31/2015 - 18:00

Am I alone in how I feel about this? I live alone and have for several years. I am unable to drive with no means of transportation except for family and friends. I have a family member that tells me to call them if I need anything. But, this family member has been telling me this for several years and not once have they called when they're going somewhere and asked if I would like to go with them or if there was anything I needed. I know if I talked to them about it, they would say, "We're not mind readers". I don't expect them to be mind readers but when people don't call and ask if there is anything you need or ask if you would like to go with them to just get out of the house, when I do need something, I don't feel free to call and ask them to do anything for me. I have other family members and some friends that will call and ask me this and I would not hesitate to call them if I needed anything. Am I alone in feeling this way?


You are not alone with your

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2015-02-01 - 11:44
You are not alone with your feelings. I have family members  that never ask how I am doing or if my seizures are doing better. But then I am from the old schoolI do however get asked questions from a couple of them concerning epilepsy since they have friends that had epilepsy come up from their friends. I get to and from everywhere I go without family. When we lived in the same house I still went to and from places by myself. The only way my brother got a date from a girl he wanted to date was a double date. His girlfriend had a friend that wanted to go to a game and Bro didn't know anybody that wasn't busy that day. So I went on a double date. That was when they found out his name from family members. Wally was not what we called him. If you have family and friend call asking you if you need something then you are ahead of many of us.. You mearn how to live with things like this. Especially when you live hundreds or thousands of miles away from family members.

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