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Sat, 03/25/2006 - 14:45
Hello, I'm a 41 year old male with a complex seizure disorder that my neurologist has just told me will reqire either VNS surgery or a partial labotamy of the right temperal lobe. He has tried multiple medications on me and none have been able to gain control of my condition. To be honest I'm very scared about this and I have no insurance as my former employer of fourteen years terminated my employment using a seizure as an 'aggessive act' to fire me after I'd fallen at work and got injured. I won my case with the Human Rights Commission but the Company I worked for still will not reinstate my insurance so I can get the surgery I need to get my life somewhat back to normal. I fear a partial labotamy will make me weird, I guess because of T.V. shows in the past of people who've had labotamies. VNS surgery I guess is like a pace maker in my brian and can control most of the seizure activity. I'm not allowed to work, be alone, etc. I've lost my personal identity and am eagerly awaiting my appeals process with S.S.D. (What a long process!!)so I can get this done with Medicare. Am I overreacting or am I rightfully scared? Cody


Re: Cody.

Submitted by edy_telephone on Sat, 2006-03-25 - 20:50
Cody, I don't think that you are overreacting about your situation. I'm sorry to hear about the unbearable fact of your former employer and your frustration to gain more rights and stability of your life. What I don't understand is about the operation. Your neurologist told you about a partial lobectomy, or a partial lobotomy? I've looked on a medical dictionary but I haven't found the word 'labotamy'. Anyways, I do have a complex partial seizure (since I was 19) and I overwent the operation (partial lobectomy) in 2000. I do understand your great fear and frightened about the operation. Try to get more confidence, more details about the operation which may help you very much indeed. I have to be honest with you: unfortunatly, the operation didn't work for me but I must admit that I seem to have less seizures than before the operation. However, many neurologist (epileptologists) believe that the percentage of positive result of the operation on the right side of the brain is higher than the the one on the left side. It's your decision if to undergo the operation or to have the VNS surgery. Try to have a second opinion (if you can) so it can help you to decide what to do. I'm not American (unfortunately). I live in Melbourne, Australia but I have spent almost 7 years in California as a foreign student. I know a little about the Amerincan law and I wish you to win your appeal and then be able to gain all your strength and persistence to overcome the problem caused by the complex partial seizures. Good-luck and take care. Edy

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