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My health Insurance

Thu, 01/25/2007 - 01:52
As I waited for my physical I applied through the same company for life insurance to secure my family. The life insurance became effective immediately as soon as they received my payment. A week after taking my physical, the insurance company wrote me and told me I was approved for insurance. So I was so obvious, I waited another 2 weeks before seeing a doctor. Anyways, after seeing the doctor with some tests which include but not limited to MRI, EKG and numerous amount of blood tests the doctor concluded that there was nothing wrong with me. He stated that it seem like I was just under a lot of stress and prescribed me some medications to temporary treat my anxiety. Anyways what I am trying to get at is that for those of you who don¿t have insurance, don¿t wait until you start feeling something before you do. And, if you have children or dependents, I highly recommend getting life insurance. Depending on your age and the amount you want to insure yourself for will determine your premium, regardless of how much, I recommend just getting it. Anyways thought I share my story. By the way the site I visited was

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