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How do you know??

Tue, 05/10/2005 - 12:58
To the people who have seizures in their do you know? I'm worried I might be having them. For awhile now I've noticed strange things after waking up. Lip bites, inside of my mouth bites, teeth aching (when I seize I usually do bite the insides of my mouth and grind my teeth) and the covers on my bed all over the place.Also, I can't seem to stay awake in the mornings. I'm up at 5:30 a.m. to get my son up and ready for school and sometimes I fall asleep while he's eating his breakfast and I don't even get a chance to see him out the door. (Thank God my sister and her husband live next door and they take him to school in the mornings!!) I can't stand this anymore. I never used to fall asleep in the mornings.To anyone having these seizures in their sleep....what have been your experiences, symptoms, etc. How can I find out what's going on??Thanks all.


RE: How do you know??

Submitted by lemon5us on Tue, 2005-05-10 - 09:24


I am not sure if I have them in my sleep or not, I to have had strange things happen to me like waking up for no reason many times a night. Now that I am on so much medicaiton this has stopped but they are decreasing my meds so we will see. Yes I was so tired trying to get the kids off as well.

I quess I don't really know how to tell you if you are having them in your sleep or not, it sounds like you might be. Have you ever had an sleep deprived EEG? This is where you stay awake almost all night in hopes that you will fall asleep during the test so they can check for this. Maybe if you explain to your neoro what is going on then he will send you for one to find out.  I had one, it was hard to stay awake all night especially cause you can't have any cafienne.

Hope this helps you out.



I am not sure if I have them in my sleep or not, I to have had strange things happen to me like waking up for no reason many times a night. Now that I am on so much medicaiton this has stopped but they are decreasing my meds so we will see. Yes I was so tired trying to get the kids off as well.

I quess I don't really know how to tell you if you are having them in your sleep or not, it sounds like you might be. Have you ever had an sleep deprived EEG? This is where you stay awake almost all night in hopes that you will fall asleep during the test so they can check for this. Maybe if you explain to your neoro what is going on then he will send you for one to find out.  I had one, it was hard to stay awake all night especially cause you can't have any cafienne.

Hope this helps you out.


RE: RE: How do you know??

Submitted by Sestrilla on Tue, 2005-05-10 - 11:20
Thank you for responding, Lisa.I had the sleep deprivation years ago but this has just started happening in...I would say...the past 10 months. When they did the sleep deprivation tests the next day, the results they gave me were that my whole brain seizes, not just one section. Hopefully I'll find out more soon. One of my old neuros did the sleep deprivation...maybe this new one will do something. I have an appointment with him later this month. We'll see.

RE: RE: RE: How do you know??

Submitted by lemon5us on Tue, 2005-05-10 - 11:30

I hope he will suggest a sleep deprived eeg but if not tell him you want one as that is the only way to know for sure. Although its not like its easy to fall asleep with all the electroydes on our heads...LOL.  For sure let him know what has been going on.

take care and good luck with that.


I hope he will suggest a sleep deprived eeg but if not tell him you want one as that is the only way to know for sure. Although its not like its easy to fall asleep with all the electroydes on our heads...LOL.  For sure let him know what has been going on.

take care and good luck with that.


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