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Just need to talk/rant

Fri, 05/06/2005 - 20:25
Hello. I've been jerking and seizing most of the day and I just need to talk. I tried to write in my journal but it felt like such emptiness writing in something that doesn't have ears. My grandkids were over today and with me having 'problems' my husband kept them with him most of the time. But they did witness my jerking. I remember the first time they saw me having a seizure-it took us forever to get them to quit 'throwing themselves on the floor like Nana.' Which rates right in there with 'my Nana takes her teeth out to brush them-bet yours can't!' It makes me smile to see it written right now but believe me I'm not smiling when it's said. My oldest grandchild will also copy my staring spells and tell me,'you do it', when I fuss at her for it. They both copy what I call my silent talking-I will be moving my mouth like I am talking but no sound is coming out. I don't know how long it goes on before I realize what I'm doing. I always tell them I'm singing quietly to myself. I've never known how to talk about my epilepsy. It was always 'understood' that I have a 'condition' from day one and since it was understood there was no reason to talk about it. All the fear, anger, frustration and total confusion on what was happening to me was buried deep inside of me because that was just how it was done. I've always resented it. Were they afraid I would dwell on it? Use it as a crutch? Run down the street naked, ripping my hair out, at the sheer horror of it? I mean really! Don't get me wrong- I have a very loving family with a mother that feels like anything that goes wrong with her children is somehow her fault. She would absolutely die for me. As much as I would love to talk to her even now, I know it would send her on a huge guilt trip because she would automatically feel it was something she did or didn't do. The woman doesn't cuss, drink or smoke and has always taken very good care of herself. A sure-fire guilt trip all the same. Mommy's tired is what my son heard the first part of his childhood. Poor kid thought everybody's mommies reacted very badly to being tired. When he was ten I finally explained the best I could to him. The look on his face was a total HUH?! It was then that I decided to treat it with humor no matter how far fetched. I never asked him if he was embarrassed of me but I've always wanted to. I don't think he is. If he ever has been, he's never shown it. He told me when he was thirteen that I was fanspaztic. I said, fantastic? He said, " No mama, anybody can be fantastic. It takes a special kind of strength to be fanspastic." That one conversation with a thirteen year old boy has gotten me through so many depressions. Even the ones when I was mad because I would think of him saying it because it would remind me that he did love me and him and anybody else that loved me were getting in the way of me being able to go to sleep and not wake up and I was so tired. It's been years since the last attempt and it's been really hard at times. But when the dark clouds move, I'm always so glad to see that I'm still standing. I drifted-I'm sorry. I better say my point before my brain starts hopscotching around again. Parents of children with epilepsy- please teach them to talk about their epilepsy to you so it doesn't become an understood of condition to them without any venting outlets for them. Epilepsy has never been a crutch-it's been an," oh yes I can!" A total pain in the rectal region but not a crutch. Dwell on it? I'd be lying if I said I never did. After bad seizures I definitely do. For a little while. And I'll hate everyone in the whole wide world. For a little while. Then I hate myself. For a little while. Then I do anything it takes to snap me out of it. I have to. I'm fanspaztic.


RE: Just need to talk/rant

Submitted by pongosmommy on Mon, 2005-02-21 - 16:39
Hi Spiz,You sure are! You just remember what your son said to keep you going. Sorry it took me so long to talk back to you...I had a houseful of 13 year old girls this weekend. I am so glad they are gone. Quiet at last, or at least until mine gets back from shopping.Kids can be so much fun. My daughter showed my nephews a video of one of my seizures...they laughed and said I was a good actress. Only one realized I wasn't acting and discussed it with my daughter. I hope you are feeling better today. Me I just keep throwing things, dropping things, and feeling like I am floating and in a fog...but no drops at this time. Knock on wood.Talk to you later,Dayna

RE: RE: Just need to talk/rant

Submitted by spiz on Tue, 2005-02-22 - 02:58
I'm doing it again, Dayna. Zooming. It's like my brain is just too full of all these words and I've gotta get them out. It's almost two in the morning. I could call my brother- he wouldn't get mad. I've done it before and I'll talk until I realize he's on the other end snoring. I said I wasn't going to do that to him anymore. He needs his sleep. And besides this helps me get the words out some and the pressure eases. No one has to read it if they don't want to, right? I have 3 more days of flu meds to take before I can start the effexor. Do you think it will help the zipping too? It's an ATD and I'm not depressed when I'm zooming. You ought to see my house. Somebody picked the sucker up and shook it! I swear they did! I hate it when I"m depressed! I lay on the couch and die for however long it takes me to snap out of it and wake up to a disaster. And NOBODY did it! I know I didn't-I was too busy wallowing on the couch. How come I have more seizures when I'm zipping than when I'm depressed and how come the doctors can't seem to answer that? Before I was diagosed with BPD, the doctor I was seeing then told my being sleepless and energetic episodes were due to the epilepsy. That's why I've always questioned the Bipolar diagnosis. I liked the doctor that said it was due to the epilepy. He cared and was interested in finding what was wrong with me. The one that diagnosed BPD seemed rather bored with having to be subjected to another abbie-normal person. Abbie-normal. If only the world had as much genius as we. See, I have my own theory on what causes epilepsy. Ok, our brains are too full of genius and it overflows into our bodies and our bodies react to this overflow the best that it can. I mean-look at the intelligence,talent,vision,etc. that us epi's have. We rule! ( Heeee-am I on a roll or what?) Ok, deep breath. I did something this morning I don't ever remember doing before. I've been having problems with staying lightheaded. I was fixing to wipe off the table, was already lightheaded, and it felt like the floor was coming up to my face but I was walking backwards. The wall behind me stopped me. I was still bent at the waist like I was when this hit and my arm was still bent like it was when I went to wipe the table. I was aware of all this going on but at the same time I felt far, far away. This is a first for me. I also had an episode of the room being tilted and ended up 'holding the refrigerator up.' My son called me later and told me he heard I was holding the refrigerator hostage. He's just too cute! Goodness,wrote a book. I'm gonna go find the inside of my house. -Spiz

RE: RE: RE: Just need to talk/rant

Submitted by pongosmommy on Tue, 2005-02-22 - 21:56
well Spi if its 2am there its only midnight here. Wait I am asleep then right? Oh heck I sleep at weird times, Depends on how I feel. Hey got a new person in the home. My 4 year old nephew moved in with us...maybe he is the reason I don't feel good. Can I blame it on him? Nah it is just that darn E bothering me.Gotta go.Dayna

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