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nocturnal seizures

Fri, 02/04/2005 - 20:24
I was diagnosed with petite mal epilepsy 25 years ago. I was having dream like feelings and de ja vue. My doctor prescribed dilantin and I have only had a few seizures over the years.  Just recently I started waking up during the night confused. Not knowing where I  was and thinking that I hadn't taken my dilantin in months. I went to my neurologist and he thinks that I'm experiencing nocturnal seizures. He increased my dilantin to 250mg from 200mg. He said that I have temperal lobe epilepsy and that I'm having partial seizures. I am now experiencing anxiety over increasing my meds, seeing how I thought I was growing out of the epilepsy and that I would be able to stop taking it soon. Also,  I was wondering if my memory loss is due to the dilantin or the epilepsy? Has anyone else experienced these nocturanl (nighttime seizures).  Also does the fear of the epilepsy coming back cause you anxiety?


RE: nocturnal seizures

Submitted by LeeMc on Fri, 2005-02-04 - 20:24

Hi Ruth,

Lee here.  Your memory loss is due to both.....I have been on Dilantin & Mysolin (generic forms of both now) since 1974.  I didn't notice the memory loss so much until I hit my mid 40's and began to suffer peri-menopause symptoms.  I have not had a seizure since a breakthrough in 1983.....but I have noticed the memory problems increasing with the onset of real menopause.  Don't know which cause to blame the most.  I do know that they all contribute to the problem! 

Menopause and epilepsy is not fun together.....the meds for one make the meds for the other less effective so I have to take more of both.  Moods are real wierd too!  I have long fuse days, short fuse days and NO fuse days.....and nothing seems to help.  I spend a lot of time talking to my E friends and my Higher Power.

My family doc and I are preparing to send me for a full re-evaluation at a comprehensive epilepsy center.  Just controlling the seizures isn't enough anymore - the quality of life is going down hill......and I am not ready to accept that.  I have not had a proper re-evaluation since my diagnosis 33 years ago.

I know where you are coming from and if you want to talk more about this you can email me at .  My computer is currently down for it's own problems and is being repaired so I am  getting my email over mail2web.  That means I don't get it checked every day but I will be here on the other end if you want to talk some more.

Wishing you the best....................................Lee

Hi Ruth,

Lee here.  Your memory loss is due to both.....I have been on Dilantin & Mysolin (generic forms of both now) since 1974.  I didn't notice the memory loss so much until I hit my mid 40's and began to suffer peri-menopause symptoms.  I have not had a seizure since a breakthrough in 1983.....but I have noticed the memory problems increasing with the onset of real menopause.  Don't know which cause to blame the most.  I do know that they all contribute to the problem! 

Menopause and epilepsy is not fun together.....the meds for one make the meds for the other less effective so I have to take more of both.  Moods are real wierd too!  I have long fuse days, short fuse days and NO fuse days.....and nothing seems to help.  I spend a lot of time talking to my E friends and my Higher Power.

My family doc and I are preparing to send me for a full re-evaluation at a comprehensive epilepsy center.  Just controlling the seizures isn't enough anymore - the quality of life is going down hill......and I am not ready to accept that.  I have not had a proper re-evaluation since my diagnosis 33 years ago.

I know where you are coming from and if you want to talk more about this you can email me at .  My computer is currently down for it's own problems and is being repaired so I am  getting my email over mail2web.  That means I don't get it checked every day but I will be here on the other end if you want to talk some more.

Wishing you the best....................................Lee

RE: nocturnal seizures

Submitted by marko88 on Fri, 2005-05-27 - 07:12
Hi Ruth. all of my seizures are nocturnal. I was originally taking 400mg Dilatin a day. But it was making me forgetful to the point of not remembering entire conversations. Even worse, I was HIGHLY irritable. I read all that I could find about Dilantin (especially on this site), and sure enough mine were some of the most frequent side effects. I went to my primary doctor and he all but laughed at me for 'diagnosing over the internet'. After I pressed him for a referral, he sent me to a neurologist. She said several of her patients on Dilantin had had the same problems. We gradually switched me over to Lamictal by itself. What a wonderful difference. My short term memory is greatly improved, and my wife no longer walks on eggshells. Several of my friends with epilepsy strongly agree that finding the right meds for the right person makes a huge difference in your quality of life. Participate in you care and get your doctor to work with you in finding the best meds for you. Best of luck!

RE: RE: nocturnal seizures

Submitted by Browen on Fri, 2005-05-27 - 15:06
Hello!I also have petit mal (absence seizures). I went undiagnosed for 9 years (pure heck let me tell you). Anyway, until recently we thought my seizures were only during a concious state because my initial EEG hadn't detected any seizures when I fell asleep.Meanwhile, my epileptic symtoms are growing worse and worse by the month. I'm irritable, overly emotional and wake up every day feeling as if I haven't slept more than 3 hours. My migraine headaches absolutely kill me. I was at one point getting them for days at a time. It was terrible. I recently had a 48 hour digitrace done. My nuero called me while she was still reading the first night's results. Before she even got to the next day she said I had 15 seizures. While I was awake, while I was asleep. She said it was like I was having a constant seizure.She also said the reason for my extreme exhaustion is because of the seizures I'd been experiencing during the night.I'm now on a second medication to hopefully control my seizures. I wish you the best of luck with yours :)

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