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Seizure increase & fusturated

Sat, 04/02/2005 - 19:16
Hi everyone, I am feeling kinda down . I have simple and complex seizures and have for 36 years, now in my 40's . Had to get off old meds a year ago and meds just are not keeping my siezures stable. I recently realized I was having an increase in seizure activity, found it hard to not minimize it. So now am adding a third drug to hopefully swich from one of the others . SO I would remove Keppra and be using Lamictal instead if all works well . But in the meantime I feel spent and extra sensitive to busy stores that have noise and lights that seem to put me on edge so that between fatigue, edginess I can get pretty hard on myself and others even when I do not mean or want to . I do not know if any of this makes sense.But I am a person who likes to be busy with things at home , My art work, gardening come summer and to do some activities like snow shoeing. However I am feeling just worn out right now and find it hard to rest and recover I quess you could say from the extra seizures I have been having. Spring is in the air and this is my time of year I want my energy back!!!Can anyone relate ? any thoughts on this?


RE: Seizure increase & fusturated

Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2005-03-27 - 10:44
Cedar, I am sorry for all the troubles you are having with the medication. I just got off of my medication that I took for 25 to 30 years too. I have had epilepsy for 35 years. It took me a year and a half to get off of it. I refuse to take several medications. You get more side effects the more you take, so if I have to, I will stick to one medication. I try to take the medications that are fairly new, for they have less side effects. Hang in there, it is tough I know.

RE: Seizure increase & fusturated

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Wed, 2005-03-30 - 16:28

Hi Cedar,

Yep, I know what you're talking about. I've had my share of mixed medication fatigue and side effects. While I'm no doctor, I personally will NOT take more than one med at a time again (unless switching is involved)'s much too taxing for me. Maybe you should try a different class of medications, in order to gain better control. What meds are you taking?

I have TLE, and found that Keppra did nothing for me. Dilantin sucked. Depakote worked great on me...I was seizure-free for 2 years. But, I had to switch to phenobarbital due to a rare side effect. Phenobarb has worked pretty well. I've had some breakthrough seizures here and there, but nothing too major.  It seems that I've developed a tolerance to it, and my dosage needs to be upped every now and then to keep me seizure-free. Maybe that happens with all meds, I don't know. It's a bummer though, because while a lower dosage doesn't cover seizures it still comes with the side effects. *if that makes any sense* I'm tired, forgetful, clumsy, and spacey...I sure as heck don't want to up my dosage and make those side effects any more pronounced!

I don't know if this has helped or not, LOL! I guess the bottom line is that I can relate to your frustrations. Good luck to you!!

Heather :)

Hi Cedar,

Yep, I know what you're talking about. I've had my share of mixed medication fatigue and side effects. While I'm no doctor, I personally will NOT take more than one med at a time again (unless switching is involved)'s much too taxing for me. Maybe you should try a different class of medications, in order to gain better control. What meds are you taking?

I have TLE, and found that Keppra did nothing for me. Dilantin sucked. Depakote worked great on me...I was seizure-free for 2 years. But, I had to switch to phenobarbital due to a rare side effect. Phenobarb has worked pretty well. I've had some breakthrough seizures here and there, but nothing too major.  It seems that I've developed a tolerance to it, and my dosage needs to be upped every now and then to keep me seizure-free. Maybe that happens with all meds, I don't know. It's a bummer though, because while a lower dosage doesn't cover seizures it still comes with the side effects. *if that makes any sense* I'm tired, forgetful, clumsy, and spacey...I sure as heck don't want to up my dosage and make those side effects any more pronounced!

I don't know if this has helped or not, LOL! I guess the bottom line is that I can relate to your frustrations. Good luck to you!!

Heather :)

RE: Seizure increase & fusturated

Submitted by jdurrua on Sat, 2005-04-02 - 19:16

Have you ever thought about surgery



Have you ever thought about surgery



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