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3 year old weaning off of Lamictal ...HELP

Thu, 08/17/2006 - 12:42
I am new and my daughter 3 years old has been on Lamictal 175mg a day and Keppra 3ml a day for a little over a year now. They cut back on the Keppra for a little bit because she was losing weight and losing milestones well, just recently she had a video eeg inpatient. They found that instead of the partial seizures it is more generalized any way they want to take her off Lamictal and increase the Keppra. I am okay with this because I did not like Lamictal and thought it was the reason for all her behavior changes...I do not know. We have been weaning for about a week now and she is so fussy, crying all the time and just not my daugther. Is their anyone that has been weaned off and is all this normal. I hope this works and the Keppra alone can control her seizures. She had 3 absence yesterday just at the lunch table and she slept the rest of the afternoon. She had been seizure free for 3 weeks could it just be because we are messing with her meds? Please help and thanks in advance for any info. Kari Emily Klair's mom


Re: 3 year old weaning off of Lamictal ...HELP

Submitted by haney307 on Mon, 2007-03-26 - 23:00
What did she do when she started having seizures? My 4 year old daughter started having 1 second seizures and doctor wants her to take Lamictal. We just don't think the side effects are worth it just yet?

Re: Re: 3 year old weaning off of Lamictal ...HELP

Submitted by EKlairsmom on Tue, 2007-03-27 - 01:19
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. My daughter was born having them. We noticed the day she was born that she got this funny look on her face and she would jerk or move one part of her body over and over. Sometimes she would just turn white as a ghost and just kinda stare. She was diagnosed around 6 months of age and we were on alot of different meds. The first one being Trileptal then it was zonegran (hated that one)then Lamitcal and now we are just on Keppra. We really liked the Lamictal because it had been the best at controlling the siezures but after we started having break through ones and they kept uping her dose she was a zombie, we decided something had to change and that is when we were introduced to Keppra. So far Keppra has been great for us minus the getting her to the right dose when we joked that there was a monster living with us named Emily Klair..that was a little rough on us but it is better now and we still have few seizures but not as bad as before. What type of seizures does your daughter have? and how many of them is she having within a day or week?? Lamictal is good but it was not a right match for us. I wish you luck and hope that this helped a little bit. Hope to hear from you soon. Let me know what you all decide and what the Dr. is telling you all. Where are you from?? I am from Tn. near Nashville. Kari....Emily Klair's mom

Re: Re: 3 year old weaning off of Lamictal ...HELP

Submitted by dixon2112 on Fri, 2007-04-06 - 02:33
I have a 4 year old daughter as well. She has complex seizures. She was on Keppra but had too much behavioral issues. She is now on lamictal. She has had 1 seizure while on keppra and just had one today while on Lamictal. We are still ramping up on the Lamictal so she is not at full dose which will be 50mg twice a day. Would love to chat with you more about EEg results and neuros comments of outgrowing this with further brain matuity.Feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thank you

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