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alcohol and epilepsy

Thu, 01/27/2005 - 01:22

ur probably thinking im really stupid for even considering this... but im a 17 yr old girl and im currently on tegretol and lamictal... im getting off the tegretol and switching over... and i used to be able to drink in the beginning when i was on epilem and tegretol... but when my neurologist changed me over to controlled release tegretol i had a grand mal seizure whilst at a party and stopped breathing and everything.. very scaring but that was prolly over 6 months ago i think.. and i havent had a drop of alcohol since...
what i dont understand is has anyone else had problem drinking whilst on controlled release tegretol.. like i dont know if the cause of my seizure was to do with my medication or coincidence or what :S

like i said it sounds stupid me considering drinking but im a teenager and by the time i can drink again ill be prolly 21 :( spose everyone has to make sacrifices but yeh...

and has anyone tried drinking whilst on lamictal.. im working my dosage till im on 100mg in the morning and in the night

please let me know... i want to find out as much as possible before i take the risk...



RE: alcohol and epilepsy

Submitted by js55 on Mon, 2005-01-24 - 18:17
I am 40 years old.  On mainly Dialantin through college and 20's.  what I can tell you is every time I had a seizure it was after a night of binge drinking, being out late, taking meds late, not getting enough sleep.  I certainly didn't have a seizure every time I drank, but if you are going to drink, be sensible about it (I wasn't).  Don't drive and drink and just have one or two.  You really aren't missing that much, your life is more important than drinking at parties.  I now take lamactail and depakote but never have more than 1 beer or glass of wine.  

Re: RE: alcohol and epilepsy

Submitted by ShortCircuit on Fri, 2007-10-26 - 12:21
Perfectly said. (I concur as when I was younger, I used to party a lot and whenever I would have a seizure it was after a night of heavy partying.)

RE: alcohol and epilepsy

Submitted by Belinda on Tue, 2005-01-25 - 06:05
Leesa,Your not suppose to drink while your taking any AEDs.You can drink if you drink just a little hours after you've taken your meds.But over drinking and AEDS will bring on seizures.Excess drinking can bring on seizures with a lot of ppl.Have you tried talking with your neuro about this?He/she would be best one answer any questions. Belinda

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