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Is Anyone Taking Topamax

Wed, 02/09/2005 - 17:40
I'm 27 & I have been on on epival for 11 years. Just as I was getting comfortable with my life & getting used to epival my doctor recently made me change my medication due to my migraines. My doctor didnt want to increase my intake on epival so therefore put me on topamax. I am so terrified & stressed with all the side effects that topamax has. Please if theres anyone out there that is taking topamax or can give me any advice or any comments please dont be shy.Thank u


RE: Is Anyone Taking Topamax

Submitted by doksdarlin on Tue, 2004-04-20 - 12:23
I am currently on Topamax. I have been for quite a while now. I lost weight at first, but I haven't for sometime now. ( I wish I did actually - I need to)I no longer have any of those side effect mentioned by many of you, except my memory isn't so great, but then I'm over 30 so I'm getting a bit older anyway. I also can't concentrate on somethings but I'm told when I watch TV I'm hooked in and I don't notice anything else, but I've been told that all my life. One of my doctors said that may be related to the form of Epilepsy that I have. I used to have staring spells in Elementary School.I don't know if that helps you out any, but I hope so. I thing most of my troubles I'm having are more unique to my personal brand of Epilepsy than to the meds I'm on. I had most of it with the others meds also.

RE: Is Anyone Taking Topamax

Submitted by Eilidh1 on Fri, 2004-06-04 - 21:01
Hey Chubbers...Topamax and me have had our good times and bad but we're getting on ok just now. I added topamax to lamotrigine for my JME in March last year and since then I have lost 29 pounds (not good - I'm only 5 ft 2). I have no appetite, but few seizures. My words do get muddled up, and I do get lost for words a lot, it's nice to read that it IS in fact just the pills that's doing that to me, I'm not going insane... Concentration is a sore point, as is short term memory, but this is something that you'll get from pretty much all AED's - AED's slow down brain function in order to stop synapse misfiring. Which is rubbish when playing memory games. However, so much better than seizures! Pen and paper by the phone is essential. If you need advice on how to put weight on, just holler. You may think that's weird, my friends do, but when you're on topamax, it's a struggle. Please don't be terrified. This could be the drug for you! Everyone has different experiences with epilepsy and AEDs. Best of luck, let us know how you get on.Eilidhx

RE: Is Anyone Taking Topamax

Submitted by USMALE on Tue, 2004-06-08 - 16:33
I had to respond to this for two reasons. the first is the medication. Topamax, so far, gets a 10 out of 10 from me. The second reason...I'm still having a problem with the wording.Side effects? I've been taking Topamax for 4 years now. The only side effect was an elevation in my Dilantin level which my Doc told me might happen (that's back to normal though). None of the others we had discussed have reared their heads yet. That's not to say they won't show up, but I'm pretty comfortable at this point. Don't take this the wrong way. I don't expect you or anyone else to be like me. I'm probably the way I am about doctors because I've had more than my fair share and your fair share and several other peoples fair share of bad doctors. I used the word "bad" to save space. I've also been around almost twice as long as you. (My age will remain my secret). My doctor SUGGESTS changes and we discuss them AFTER I have had a chance to research them. NEVER will my doctor MAKE me change medications especially if what I'm on is doing the job. This is the way that I am. Anyway, enough preaching. Don't give yourself a stroke worrying so much about whether there will be side effects or when they'll start. Do you need the stress? If they show, you & your family know what to look for right? Live a normal life. You're allowed to you know.

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