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Fri, 02/25/2005 - 10:16

Lately I've been thinking about changing my prescription but i don't know how to talk to my parents about it. I talked to my sister and ended up bursting into tears. I think me and my sister are the closest in the family, yet even talking to her was hard. I can' t even imagine talking to my parents. I know they will most likely let me change my prescription but I think I afraid of them being afraid for me. Im not that much of a child anymore and i've had Epilepsy for four years maybe longer. I just don't want them to act like I'm special and I need extra looking after because I don't. 


RE: change

Submitted by millsj on Thu, 2005-02-24 - 08:36
i know what you are saying about the whole i don't want them to watch me all the time like im a baby thing. Because i just recently had like my 5th seizure and my parents won't let me out of their sight. They have started TALKING TO MY FRIENDS about not leaving me by myself and they are terrified everytime i get a headache or feel dizzy. All i can say is pray about it maybe God will lead to the right choice of telling or parents you want to change meds or not. Gods got reasons for EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! Trust me HE HELPS!!! : )

RE: change

Submitted by tracul66 on Fri, 2005-02-25 - 10:16
Hi there,,,I hope you're thinking of 'talking to your parents' because it's good for you to get it out,,(holding things in,,is always a way of causing a' Seizure') Or, just talk to your 'Dr' first,,(How old are you/if I may ask) & another thing is,,if you or your parents would like 'Advice' from someone 'Older' that has "Epilepsy & knows" a bit more,,I'll talk to them anytime,,ok,,,
By the way,,Here's something for you to check out,,go to ''",,You'll be Very Supprised at what you find out about 'Keppra' it's "Awesome stuff",,
Good Luck,,& hope to hear from you, Take-Care,,,Tracey

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