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cloudy vision after coming off keppra

Tue, 05/30/2006 - 14:30
I have been off keppra for 1 week and I had developed cloudy vision.It looks like I'm looking through haze.Does anyone else have the same withdrawal symptom?


Re: cloudy vision after coming off keppra

Submitted by pinkangel_82 on Fri, 2006-06-02 - 10:37
Hi Dee Thanks for your email regarding keppra and vision. I am trying to find it and I will respond. I am still in the process of reducing keppra and I have not had any cloudy vision at all so I am sorry that it seems to have affected your eyesight. Hopefully that will disappear soon. What I did notice while I was on 3000 mg of keppra a day is that towards the end of taking the AED I was getting stabbing eye pains in my right-hand eye, but since reducing keppra it has completely stopped. Hope this helps. Take care and keep in touch. Teri

Re: Re: cloudy vision after coming off keppra

Submitted by pinkangel_82 on Fri, 2006-06-09 - 15:16
Hi Dee Thanks for your email. I am pleased that you have been able to find out what was causing the cloudy vision in your eye. I bet it was a total relief to you! It should totally disappear now, even so it was a worry for you at the time. If ever I can be of any help just contact me again. I hope your keeping well now with your AED's. Keep in touch and Take Care Teri

Re: cloudy vision after coming off keppra

Submitted by Joan K on Sat, 2006-06-10 - 17:18
Hey Dee, Has that cloudiness gone away since you stopped the nasal spray? I have been increasing my Keppra and things are cloudy at a distance now. Hugs Joan

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