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cost of medication

Fri, 01/14/2005 - 21:10
Is there a cheaper way to get medicine? I am shocked at the price I paid for tegretol in California. My daughter was visiting the States last year, and will spend long periods of time there again. She has no health insurance in the USA. I paid about $40 for 30 tablets. In Australia, I pay $20 ($15US) for 200 tablets.Is there a cheaper way to get medicine? Surely there are low income people who can't afford prices like I've mentioned.????


RE: cost of medication

Submitted by e_nuffofthis on Thu, 2004-04-15 - 10:35
Maybe someone can offer you better advise. The only thing I can suggest is some people buy their meds from Canada here. It's something you may be able to look into. Good luck.

RE: cost of medication

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Thu, 2004-04-15 - 16:10
Other than buying the meds from another country, there aren't many options. When I was first diagnosed, I was uninsured for three years. I was on Dilantin (which is rather cheap), and they later added Depakene. Depakene is the "sister drug" to Depakote, Depakote being newer and doesn't have some of the unpleasant side effects. For instance, Depakene doesn't have a certain coating on it (so it dissolves quickly, it can burn going down, and you need to take it with solid meals to avoid heartburn.)That said, Depakene was still more than I expected it to be...I think $45 for a 30 day supply. It does pay to shop around too. The first time I filled it (I didn't know there could be price variations from pharmacy to pharmacy), I paid $80! We, too, were low-income, but we simply made it our priority to make sure I could always get my meds.So, you can...1.) Shop around 2.) Check to see if there's a cheaper version of Tegretol 3.) Get the meds from a company that works with Canada Heather

RE: cost of medication

Submitted by mexican_fire on Thu, 2004-06-17 - 18:17
Yes, there are two ways that I can think of. I take multiple seizure meds, and the one is almost 450 us dollars, and the other one has been around long enough that the generic form is really cheap.The one way to get drugs cheaper is to place your daughter on whatever form of medicaid there is, and let them pick up all the costs of labs, doc office visits, and drugs. In the states medicaid programs are free, and there is no fee to have it. Usually you meed with a person where they have that program run, and they will give you a sheet of paper that is carbonless, and then you have to get your doctor to sign it stating that you are medication dependant, and go from there. I did that in the previous state I lived in.Second, when she revisits the states, make a pass through southern AZ, and go into Mexico, right over the border to a town called Nogales.They sell most drugs down there, for dirt cheap to you or me.Thirdly, NEVER go to California to buy ANYTHING. Net or in person. They have prices that are almost 3 times higher than anywhere else in this country.I should know, I live in Phoenix, AZ, so I have had a taste of their prices, either by someone bringing me back something, or me seeing the prices my self, which isn't too often. Phoenix, is a little less than 5 hours to get to the line, and 7 or more to go anywhere else that is within reasonable driving distance.That is all I can do for now.Nancy

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