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Wed, 10/20/2004 - 05:42
Dear, You are not unlucky. I heard what you said and I would be happy to tell you that my friend suffered from that too, but just last two weeks a friend introduced us to a herbal drug here in Egypt where we came for vacation and I will like to tell you that she is free and healthy now as I have just confirmed that from the [email protected]


RE: ostioperosis

Submitted by rithra1213 on Wed, 2004-10-20 - 10:12
This is shocking to me to hear of other anti-epileptic drugs causing or related to osteoporosis. My neurologist wants me to get off dilantin because of the danger of osteoporosis with only dilantin and start another anti-seizure med. I've been doing fine with dilantin since I was 2yrs. old and i'm now 42 yrs old with no bone problems. All I can see is the money that she will make off all the other way too high priced, rip- off drugs that I can't afford to pay for in anyway!P.S. Dilantin only costs me $30.00 a month for 100 capsules.

RE: RE: ostioperosis

Submitted by monalisa on Thu, 2004-10-21 - 02:08

I'm reading this thread with great interest,and have a couple of questions?

Has anyone ever been asked by their doc or neuro,if they have been asked about taking a calcium supplement alongside their AED meds during a visit?

Would anyone like  to start a thread on the side effects of meds overall.The reason I'm asking is, I read the latest reports on the effects of Sodium Valproate in the Uk.And the advice being given to women taking it who wish to get pregnant.

I'm reading this thread with great interest,and have a couple of questions?

Has anyone ever been asked by their doc or neuro,if they have been asked about taking a calcium supplement alongside their AED meds during a visit?

Would anyone like  to start a thread on the side effects of meds overall.The reason I'm asking is, I read the latest reports on the effects of Sodium Valproate in the Uk.And the advice being given to women taking it who wish to get pregnant.

RE: RE: RE: ostioperosis

Submitted by LeeMc on Thu, 2004-10-21 - 10:11

Lee here,

The use of a calcium sup. came as a result of starting menopause and the known factors related there.  The recommendation to increase dosage to 1500 daily plus vitamin D (400 - 800) daily was made to my primary care doctor as a result of the density test - by whoever read that test. 

An orthopedist, treating me for a knee problem, confirmed Dilantin as a big contributing factor and also said we could stop and even reverse things by taking the suppliments.  He also said that Vitamin D is the key to getting the calcium to our bones.  Calcium suppliments alone may not do what we need them to do.

That being said - we are not without hope and do not have to face life with fragile bones if we do what we need to do for ourselves to restore or prevent.  Talk to your docs and find out where you stand today and what you can do to prevent future problems.  Our health is also our responibility.


Lee here,

The use of a calcium sup. came as a result of starting menopause and the known factors related there.  The recommendation to increase dosage to 1500 daily plus vitamin D (400 - 800) daily was made to my primary care doctor as a result of the density test - by whoever read that test. 

An orthopedist, treating me for a knee problem, confirmed Dilantin as a big contributing factor and also said we could stop and even reverse things by taking the suppliments.  He also said that Vitamin D is the key to getting the calcium to our bones.  Calcium suppliments alone may not do what we need them to do.

That being said - we are not without hope and do not have to face life with fragile bones if we do what we need to do for ourselves to restore or prevent.  Talk to your docs and find out where you stand today and what you can do to prevent future problems.  Our health is also our responibility.


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