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Depakote-Digestion question-kinda gross

Thu, 09/07/2006 - 11:31
Hi everyone. I am new here. I recently started taking Depakote. It is not for Epilepsy but for a mood stabalizer. I found this forum and saw that there was Depakote discussions on here. I have a question that is a little embarassing and I can't seem to find any info on the net about it. I take 750 MG of Depakote each night before bed. When I wake up in the morning and have a bowel movement, I have noticed that the pills are in there. Sorry, TMI I know, but I am hoping that someone has had this problem also? From what I have found out, the pills can be excreted and look whole but they are digested? I just want to make sure that I am actually getting something out of this expensive med:) And help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Re: Depakote-Digestion question-kinda gross

Submitted by Colina on Thu, 2006-09-07 - 11:53
Welcome Ravinna! I used to take depakote and never noticed that so i realy have no answer for you but will be interested in seeing the responses you get. I'm sure someone more experienced will take this challenge. Good luck and wishing you well.

Re: Depakote-Digestion question-kinda gross

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Thu, 2006-09-07 - 15:17
Hi, I was on depakote for a couple of years and never had that happen. It sounds as though your body isn't digesting it at all. Depakene is depakote's elder, and might be easier for your body to digest. Depakene melts so quickly, I ended up with heartburn that went up the throat (very common!). Not fun, but if it works for you, it's be worth it. My advice: call your doc and let him/her know. Best of luck! Heather :)

Re: Depakote-Digestion question-kinda gross

Submitted by KLMQH on Thu, 2006-09-07 - 16:41
I know, a little embarrassing right! DON"T WORRY!!!! I was on depakote since I was 12 yrs old. I was taking 500 mg twice a day for those 13 years. I NEVER once noticed the tablets in the "toilet", so to speak, while on those. HOWEVER, when I was being weaned off of the meds I switched to 250 mg, also ER, 3 times a day. I'm guessing that is also what you are doing in essence? 3 250mg a day? Throughout the whole weaning process I saw them in the same form coming out as they went in(just a little bit bigger), I was very worried. I thought I wasn't getting medicated! I called my nuero. and he said it "shouldn't" be doing that, but I did call an RN I know and two different Pharmacists that concluded it was normal. The pills are different, although they look relatively the same, the 250mg is in what they call a "Ghost Casing" (and the 500mg are not)which means that the medicine slowly seeps out while the pill remains in tact. The reason this happens in some people is because of digestion tracts. Some, mine, are faster than other peoples and the body never got a chance to start dissolving the casing, it takes much longer to break down the pill than it does for the meds to disburse. assured, you are not the only one! The meds are working and it is perfectly fine to have happen. I'm glad you posted your question, although i'm sure it seemed very odd to you. Hope I helped!-Kristin

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