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depakote er and destructive behavior

Tue, 03/14/2006 - 22:54
hi ~ my daughter is 10. Had her first seizure at age 7, has had a lesionectomy, recently went six mos.(longest time ever) without a seizure and now has started again. She ALWAYS has clusters and needs Diastat 30 mg to stop her (hopefully). Her Depakote er was recently increased and she's been SOOOOOOO destructive ~ Breaking things, cutting shirts, pulled her bed apart - box spring in hallway, matterss on floor. I can't even stop her rage. Just so uncontrollable but she's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset after she does it, doesn't understand why. So much for the history, what can I do to help her??????????? She's also on Lamictal. Thanks


Re: depakote er and destructive behavior

Submitted by alex2dunes on Tue, 2006-04-11 - 14:58
Hi, my son was on Depakote for about 9 mths. and he would have times of rage also!(lasting for 4-8 hours) Our dr, explained it as the body needing to release this energy because it needed to have a seizure, crazy, but when i really sat back and looked at him during this time it would always be uncontrolable, almost like the excersist! and never seeing the end untill he would crash and fall asleep for hours, and this was his routine every 2 weeks till i put a stop to it and switch him to keppra. it's been his wounder drug!!!! not like everything i have seen on this site about kepprs! is the only way that i could describe him. he was only 3 1/2 at the time now he's 7 people really don't understand!!!!!! so now he has been seizure free for 2 years. SOmaybe just trying another medication to find the one that works for your daughter, they always told me that some people may try meny of them to find the one thatwill work! Can she explain to you what she feels during this time of rage! because i have often woundered what was gong through his mind during that time! the sad thing is nothing really worked for us during that time, just trying to get through it was all i could hope for. at that time i wish i knew someone who went through this, just to know that this does happen, it'sawful!!!!!!!! and i feel for you because she a little older maybe she can start to become aware of her signs that this may be happening might give her the power to get through it! I'm new to this site.

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