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Depression/Anxiety med suggestions

Sun, 07/11/2004 - 19:51
Hello all. I am currently taking 600mg/day of Carbatrol. I am battling depression and anxiety to the point where I cannot work, can barely leave my house, and half heartedly attempted suicide by overdosing on muscle relaxers. I am seeing a counselor but I am not sure how much that helps. I have been told I can't take most depression or anxiety drugs because of my epilepsy and taking Carbatrol. Is anyone out there had success with any combo of seizure meds with depression/anxiety meds? I am meeting with my neuro on monday and he is my last hope for some help. Elaina


RE: Depression/Anxiety med suggestions

Submitted by GKT on Fri, 2004-07-09 - 14:14
Elaina: For a short period of time, I was given an antidepressant drug (but cannot recall the name). Actually, it was given to me by my OB/GYN. Anyway, there is medication, counselors, and friends that can help you through this hard time.Please know that I will be praying for you.GKT

RE: Depression/Anxiety med suggestions

Submitted by seeker2 on Sun, 2004-07-11 - 19:51
Elaina ?I am sorry that the counsellor couldn't help.Talking to one usually does and they are good managers of both time and allowing you the freedom to try and work through your issues with them.Just maybe not for you-or have you thought of say a different form of therapy than the one you tried ?I'm thinking Reiki therapy here,that sounds really interesting and has positive benefits,but it does involve hands on massage by the practitioner(and that not might suit everybody.)though from what I've read the practitioner can even work at a distance,so no need to go see them if you don't want.Just give them a call after the first visit.Or have you talked to a friend about the way you feel and who can offer support at the times you feel really low.Who will listen and be there.Who knows that you need to take some time for yourself-you don't have to go out if you don't feel like it.Have them over for coffee and a chat.Set yourself a task maybe-say half an hour a day to do it,and enjoy it..That might help.When you do feel up to it,go see a movie( or take a walk,that really helps.)as does smelling the flowers and cut grass,the scenery,the sun,being gentle to yourself. Also,maybe the advice is good regarding not taking an antidepressant,as those things are addictive and not to be mixed lightly with AED meds.

Re: Depression/Anxiety med suggestions

Submitted by sunnflowerz on Thu, 2006-04-20 - 16:58
Hello Elaina, I am battling depression myself.I am on Carbatrol,Lamictal and the "evil"drug Keppra.I am working, but I am always thinking that someone is watching me or I that I am not performing my job correctly.I don't want to go to work but I must go.Overdosing will not help you.What if you come back in worse shape than you had been in before? Think of all of the possibilities.Depression medications make me dizzy,so that is a no-go for me.How old are you, If I may ask ? You are not alone....

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