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Epilim (Depakote) and rash

Sun, 03/13/2005 - 18:15


My 15 year daughter has been on  Epilim (aka Depakote) for about a month. She broke out in a rash today- she has also had rashes with Tegretol and Lamictal. With the Tegretol and Lamictal she also got swollen lips a day or so after the rash started. So far no swollen lips but that may still be to come.

Our paediatrician is on holiday and it is Sunday here and I can't get her seen by any doctor  who knows enough to help us today. So I'll have to give her her night dose of Epilim as usual and hope  the rash doesn't get worse. I guess if her lips start to swell we'll head off to A&E. I can't just stop the Epilim as I know from previous experience she'll have non stop seizures. 

I've never read about Valproate drugs being associated with a rash- has anyone else here had an allergic reaction to them?



RE: Epilim (Depakote) and rash

Submitted by batman on Sun, 2005-03-13 - 01:42


Here’s some brief information listed under the Depakote [Epilim] medication via the website of Down the list, under the Allergic reactions of the “What are the most COMMON SIDE EFFECTS of Depakote?” it mentions, “It's rare for the rash to be serious, but don't ignore it. It's often necessary to switch to a different seizure medicine.” Let the doctor know as early as possible.

Bruce IJ


Here’s some brief information listed under the Depakote [Epilim] medication via the website of Down the list, under the Allergic reactions of the “What are the most COMMON SIDE EFFECTS of Depakote?” it mentions, “It's rare for the rash to be serious, but don't ignore it. It's often necessary to switch to a different seizure medicine.” Let the doctor know as early as possible.

Bruce IJ

RE: Epilim (Depakote) and rash

Submitted by kirra on Sun, 2005-03-13 - 04:01


I dont know how much weight my opinion carries-but almost the same thing happened to me last year (only with different drugs). I broke out in a rash after 6weeks of being on Lamictal and then got rushed to hospital where I spent 2weeks in the intensive care ward because I got so critical.

Although I have never had a reaction to Epilim, if it was me, I would stop taking it immediately-that's what all the specialists at the hospital told me to do if I ever broke out in a rash on any drug again because they might not be able to save me next time. So I would suggest that for your daughter! But on the other hand-I'm not a doctor, I can only tell you what I have been told to do.

I really hope she gets better soon and the rash doesn't get any worse!



I dont know how much weight my opinion carries-but almost the same thing happened to me last year (only with different drugs). I broke out in a rash after 6weeks of being on Lamictal and then got rushed to hospital where I spent 2weeks in the intensive care ward because I got so critical.

Although I have never had a reaction to Epilim, if it was me, I would stop taking it immediately-that's what all the specialists at the hospital told me to do if I ever broke out in a rash on any drug again because they might not be able to save me next time. So I would suggest that for your daughter! But on the other hand-I'm not a doctor, I can only tell you what I have been told to do.

I really hope she gets better soon and the rash doesn't get any worse!


RE: Epilim (Depakote) and rash

Submitted by pongosmommy on Sun, 2005-03-13 - 13:30
Hi, Definately let the Doctors know As Soon As Possible! I had a very bad Allergic Reaction to Depakote. The Bottom half of my legs had a rash, I though ok it will get better, kept trying creams to stop it. Thought it was excema. Well then it got worse, my ankles started swelling, then my feet and legs, the rash spread to other parts of my body. I ended up having to go to the Hospital unable to walk. The Doctors made me mad with their treatment of me...but they did give me great meds to take away the allergic reaction. My Neuro had me stop the Depakote Immediately and switched me to Carbamazepine.Dayna

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