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Feeling blue today, need to talk to someone, even if it is the PC! :(

Thu, 08/17/2006 - 08:14
Hi Everyone, I have been having a bad day today. First bad day in a long time actually. I am Tegretol retard,keppra and topamax. Topamax is my latest drug,on 125mg a day. Was supposed to go to 200mg a day originaly but I fell ill for a while while taking it and didn't know if it was because of the topamax or something else. But I'm all better now. And being on 125mg of topamax has being doing me great! Hardly any auras. I even broke a record a couple of weeks ago in 20 years of not one aura in 16 days! Before topamax, I was used to auras either everyday or nearly everyday. So topamax has been really good. Today hasn't been good though. So far I've had 5 auras and it's 2.10pm only. When I got up this morning, I didn't feel so good either. Not in a feel ill kind of feeling but just felt run down, sad, difficulty in concentrating. I nearly missed my stop of the train for work this morning too. i was in another world! I did get very upset last night with some problems myself and my partner are dealing with together (family problems - wont go into details), and I can only assume this is why today has been so awful. The auras come on when i am in the middle of working on something in work and I have to stop and calm myself down. It's been a while since i had to do this because topamax has improved things for me dramatically. I tried calling my neurologist to see if I should increase my dose butdiscovered he is on holidays for the month of August. Anyway thanks for listening. Just needed to share and get that off my chest so to speak. Hope everyone is well!


Re: Feeling blue today, need to talk to someone, even if it is t

Submitted by themaleys on Fri, 2006-08-18 - 12:52
Hi quirky, I hope you are feeling better today. I know my doctor says stress can be triggers but unfortunately we are still people too and we still have to go on with every day lives and when people tell us not to get upset, it is not like we can flip a switch. We just have to struggle by to get through the difficult times and hope all goes well. I do hope you are feeling better. Mary

Re: Re: Feeling blue today, need to talk to someone, even if it

Submitted by quirky on Sun, 2006-08-20 - 07:38
Hi Mary, Thanks for your kind words. Yes, i am feeling better today, thank you for asking. Myself and my partner have decided to increase my dose of topamax by just 25mg last Saturday and see if that makes much of an improvement in the next few weeks. I tried to call my neurologist last week but discovered he is off for the month of August. And seeing as I do still have auras every so often like once a week or even 2 weeks which is great, I still have them, we are going up just a small bit to see if that helps more. I want to be comfortable with my dose of topamax before I reduce my dose of keppra. i am supposed to come off keppra once on a stable and happy dose of topamax so I stay on just 2 types of meds. That's the goal. I did have 2 auras on Friday, the day after I posted the above thread. So whether it was because of emotions or tiredness or or something else, myself and my partner thought there is no harm in increasing to just 25mg a day. Thank you for seeing how I was. You have put a smile on my face :-) Hope you are doing well too? Quirky

Re: Feeling blue today, need to talk to someone, even if it is t

Submitted by pam on Sun, 2006-08-20 - 18:21
I hope eveyone is doing well this evening.God Bless All Of You,Always Pam

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