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Hand shakes??

Thu, 10/11/2018 - 02:52
Just wondering if any1 else has experience this before but after my last seizure I noticed that my right would shake a lot when I would try to draw or hold something in my hand for to long. Never happened before until my last seizure. I have drawn my whole life it's something special to me that helps me calm down. I've had at least over 100 seizures since I was 14 and it's never happened before til now. Just want to know if I'm not alone on this and not going crazy


You might want to research

Submitted by just_joe on Fri, 2018-10-12 - 13:01
You might want to research Postictal State. That is the time period after the seizure while you mind and body are trying to get back to normal. You might call your neurologist and discuss this issue with them too. Since it could be an extension of the seizure too.

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