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How Long Do Depakote Withdrawal Effects Last After One Takes The Last Dose After Tapering?

Sat, 04/11/2020 - 18:51
I know it is different for everyone but what is the range in time? If you successfully got off it how long were you on it and how long after your last dose did you stop feeling withdrawal? Also what withdrawal effects did you experience and how many at one given moment? I personally felt extreme anxiety, facial flushing, weakness, super bad headaches, abdominal pain, extreme muscle tightness, double vision, depression, denationalization, hypertension, ringing in the ears, insomnia and shortness of breath. Many times I felt 3 or more at the same time. It was hell. I am on day 20 completely of Depakote and I am still feeling withdrawal but they seem less intense each day. I was on 1000mg's a day for 3 months. Any responses would be appreciated.


Hi,Thank you for posting. As

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2020-04-13 - 09:01
Hi,Thank you for posting. As you stated withdrawal symptoms an individual may experiencing while tapering off a medication varies for each individual. We are glad to hear that your symptoms are improving each day. It’s important that you’re continuing to follow-up with your healthcare team and if you experiencing any new or worsening symptoms, moods, behaviors or changes in seizure type/ frequency, who can help determine what individual treatment plan may be best for you. Many clinics and offices are now offering telemedicine options for non-emergencies, or routine check-in appointments. Ask your doctor if you can schedule a time to talk via phone/ other telemedicine resources you can utilize to discuss this further, or if they can make any additional recommendations. It may be helpful to keep a journal or a diary to help keep track of side effects & symptoms and document how you’re feeling. My Seizure Diary can be used to organize your health issues, manage medications,other therapies or personal experiences and more, which can be shared with members of your healthcare team.  . To learn more about Depakote and things to look for, visit: . Additionally,you may always contact our 24/7 Helpline, where trained information specialists are available to answer your questions, offer help, hope, support, guidance,and access to national and local resources. 1-800-332-1000, [email protected].  

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