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I need information about medicine Depakote

Mon, 02/07/2005 - 01:08
IF you heard about medicine name (Depakine/Depakote/Valporic Acid) - do you know the if increment in dose can increase the fits/jerks ???My son is taking this medicine with other 2 medicines (Topamax & Lamictal) & his doctor increased the dose of Depakine. Now he is having long fits. So, I was wondering about the side effects.(moved to a new folder by staff)


RE: I need information about medicine Depakote

Submitted by mexican_fire on Wed, 2004-06-16 - 16:14
I take Depakote as well, so I will share with you what I have on the topic.It is used for absence, grand mal, myoclonic, and temoral lobe seizures when use conjunctivley with other meds.Possibe risks include liver toxicity, reduction of blood platelets, and impaired platelet functioning. Possible pancreatitis, and liver toxicity.Taking this probably is determined on how old your son is, because it generally isn't given to small children without reason, because they are toxicated by it really fast.It comes in capsules, sprinkle, solution, syrup, tablets, and Extented Release tablets.The usual adult dose is 10-15 kgs of body mass per day. The usual daily dose is 1000-1600 mgs a day. Blood levels should be taken on a regular basis to avoid the possibility of liver damage.Typical treatment goals for people taking this drug is affective seizure control. Neurologists, tend to define effectiveness case by case, depending on the patient and the seizure type(s). If seizure control is NOT effective, it is NOT unusual to use a combination treatment.The side effects are allergic reaction, headache, dizziness, confusion, tremor, slurred speech, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, stomach cramps, weight gain, and temporary loos of scalp hair.It doesn't say anything about muscle jerking or twitching being caused by this drug, that I can find.However, since you never mentioned the other two drugs, I can't tell you what the interactions are. That could be a cause of increased seizure activity.I am an EMT that can't work, so I have tons of books left from when I was in college on the topic, and can get just about anything from them.Good luck with your son and the Depakote. I know it can be trying, because I have to go through having this problem and then watching my mom struggle with watching me be sick. So, I can really feel for you.Nancy

RE: RE: I need information about medicine Depakote

Submitted by amyhill on Tue, 2004-12-28 - 09:00
Hi Nancy, I am on depakote 5* a day at 250mg, and klonopin.5mg 3 *a day,and let me tell you-it is a hassel but at least it works most of the time-as for the side effects-yes they are bad unfortunately-but as you siad you do have to keep your blood-work done about every 2 or 3 months here in s.c.I've been on it since I was 14 don't see any sign of coming off either-but sometimes that is how it has to be,and believe i hate it for the control it has over you life-but at the same time gratefull that it helps me.

RE: RE: RE: I need information about medicine Depakote

Submitted by ddday on Mon, 2005-02-07 - 01:08
Amy I am new to this forum and noticed you are on the same medications as my 9 year old son. I think. He is on Depakote he takes 250 mg in the AM and 250 at bedtime. He also takes .05 MG of clonazepam in the morning and a the same at bedtime. Is clonazepam a generic for Clonapin? I was under the impression it was. THe meds do not seem to be helping him, and I was wondering what bad side effects you are speaking about, I hear a lot about weight gain but my son is so hyper active, cant sit still at all I haven't noticed weight gain. He has been on Depakote for about 7 months.

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