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insomnia while on Lamictal

Sat, 09/30/2006 - 07:18
Have any of you experienced insomnia while on Lamictal? Any feedback would be greatlyy appreciated Thanks


Re: insomnia while on Lamictal

Submitted by angel_lts on Sat, 2006-09-30 - 18:40
I was on Lamictal for about seven months. I had insomnia for all those months, terrible when you can't sleep! I took Ambien only for a short time. Then I decided to get off, for I didnt want to take both meds because of this reason. Take care lisa

Re: insomnia while on Lamictal

Submitted by Matthew on Mon, 2006-10-23 - 18:26
I have been on Lamictal for about 3 months now (in addition to Tegretol XR, which I have been taking for many years). I am taking 150mg a day of Lamictal. I have some, but not huge problems getting to sleep since starting Lamictal. Mostly I just feel like I don't sleep very well. I have a lot of problems waking up, especially in the early morning, but can always go back to sleep right away. At first I had very vivid dreams, but this is becoming less so, or I am just getting used to it. Even though it doesn't help me to get a good sleep, it still makes me feel exhaused and impairs my wakefulness and thinking ability (maybe in part because I don't get very good sleep). I fall asleep at the table after eating dinner, and then can't go to sleep when I go to bed. Sometimes when I lie down during the day, I find that I can think, even though my body seems to be asleep (very weird). Getting up in the morning is very hard. In spite of these things it doesn't seem to affect me at work too much. I work as a housepainter and am able to keep going all day long without too much trouble. It is hard to get going the first few hours. However, I tend to crash when I get home, and am not good for much most of the evening. I am taking 75 mg at lunch, and 75 before bed (between 12:00 and 1:00 AM). I am thinking about trying to move it to 10:00 and 10:00 to see if that will not affect my work, but still give me enough time that I am not low on my medication as I go to bed (which might help me sleep).

Re: Re: insomnia while on Lamictal

Submitted by coolcanadian on Sat, 2006-10-28 - 14:20
Hi All, when I was at 400mg/day of Lamictal, I too had sleep problems. Neuro said since Lamictal stays in the system long enough, you can dose it all at once. To keep from getting jittery, I space it out 200mg after breakfast and the other 200 with lunch. I do sleep much better. Maybe it will work for you, too. keep smilin'- cc

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