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Wed, 12/22/2004 - 08:40
I had taken Dilantin for 40 years and my Neurologist took me off the medicine after an MRI was done last year. The results from the MRI showed that the Cerebellum of my brain (the part which controls balancing and reasoning) was shrinking, and he said it was a result of being on Dilantin for a long time. He changed my medication to Lamictal (500 mg per day --200 mg in the a.m. and 300 mg at bedtime). He also added Keppra (1000 mg in the a.m. and 1000 mg at bedtime). I have a problem sleeping straight through the night, unless I take Melatonin at bedtime. My doctor said the Lamictal and Keppra are controlling my seizures, but I know the vitamin supplements help a lot. The vitamin supplements are Coral Calcium, Vitamin B Complex, and 5-HTP. I have taken my meds with the vitamin supplements and haven't had a problem with the seizures, but I've taken only the meds and the seizures started again. Therefore, I know that the meds do not completely control my seizures. I have been considering the VNS Therapy because I have an aura before the seizures and I could use the VNS to help stop the seizures. Thank you,drdobbs73

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