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Keppra and sleeplessness

Tue, 12/21/2004 - 10:15
I have 28 years and I am from Slovenia, Europe. I have epilepsy 18 years and that is the first year that I have problems with my medications. I had to stop with Tegretol CR, which I was taking 17 years. Then I was on Lamictal and after that on Topamax, but both of them weren't good for me. Especially Topamax, which I was taken about 9 month, and it was nightmare for me. Now I am on Keppra about 3 weeks. It is much better for me than Topamax, but I have some problems with it, too. I am taking now 750 mg of Keppra and 25 mg Topamax, and next week I'll be on 1000 mg of Keppra and no Topamax. These days I can't sleep well and I am pretty tired. It is like my body is tired and my brain is not. My brain is working at the night, it is like my brain doesn't want to sleep, doesn't want to listen my body and his wish for sleeping. At the start of the night I can't to fall asleep and when I am finally sleeping, I am waking 5-6 times at night and I don't sleep quite well. I am tired at the morning. Does anybody know how to help myself? I don't want to lose this medication. It is quite good for me, much better than Topamax. I am more active person now, positive, not depressed like I was with Topamax. I can work good and hard now. Only, if my sleeplessness will continue I am afraid I will not be able to work and live my life so well. I am taking also calcium pills, because I have heard that is good for us.Thank you.


RE: Keppra and sleeplessness

Submitted by cfwnole on Fri, 2004-10-15 - 10:42

I started taking Keppra when admitted to hospital in February of this year, and all research so far, including foundations I've sought out, have been pretty positive. First, they had me taking 6 pills of 500 mg tablets a DAY (this during my wedding and honeymoon in March, also), and I was dragging, literally, by 1-2 pm each afternoon. By my next appointment, everyone in my family told doctors I was doped up on the stuff and it was decreased to 4 a day and that's what I've been on since. Seems to be a very clean Rx, but it does make we wake in middle of the night to go to bathroom a lot, and I have been having VERY vivid dreams; the kind you actually remember when waking. Lately my short-term memory hasn't been too great, but think that's due to stress problems.

I started taking Keppra when admitted to hospital in February of this year, and all research so far, including foundations I've sought out, have been pretty positive. First, they had me taking 6 pills of 500 mg tablets a DAY (this during my wedding and honeymoon in March, also), and I was dragging, literally, by 1-2 pm each afternoon. By my next appointment, everyone in my family told doctors I was doped up on the stuff and it was decreased to 4 a day and that's what I've been on since. Seems to be a very clean Rx, but it does make we wake in middle of the night to go to bathroom a lot, and I have been having VERY vivid dreams; the kind you actually remember when waking. Lately my short-term memory hasn't been too great, but think that's due to stress problems.

RE: Keppra and sleeplessness

Submitted by cstrain on Sun, 2004-10-17 - 14:13


I have JME and am on the drug depekane (which from my understanding is in the similar class as tegretol).  I also have trouble sleeping - exactly how you describe it and sleep is very important to help control my type of seizures.  I have discovered Melatonin, which is a natural supplement to stimulate the actual melation in your brain.  Melatonin in made in your piturary gland and helps to regulate sleep.  There are studies out there that provide a link between taking melatonin and decreased seizures.  Also, melatonin is known as the "jet lag" drug - you take it and don't experience the effects of jet lag so severly.  Just do a "google" search on melatonin and epilepsy and you should find some info. 

anyways, I take 6 mgs every nite and have noticed my sleep was better therefore my seizures under more control.  it puts me into a deep sleep that does not make you "woozy" in the morning unlike sleeping pills.  I take it every night about an hour before i want to sleep, but there is some controversy over that. 

it is sold all over the US - in drug stores.  You can probaly order it via the internet and it is also on ebay, if it isn't availiable in your country.

*also it doesn't interact with any medications so its completly safe in that manner*

i hope this helps


I have JME and am on the drug depekane (which from my understanding is in the similar class as tegretol).  I also have trouble sleeping - exactly how you describe it and sleep is very important to help control my type of seizures.  I have discovered Melatonin, which is a natural supplement to stimulate the actual melation in your brain.  Melatonin in made in your piturary gland and helps to regulate sleep.  There are studies out there that provide a link between taking melatonin and decreased seizures.  Also, melatonin is known as the "jet lag" drug - you take it and don't experience the effects of jet lag so severly.  Just do a "google" search on melatonin and epilepsy and you should find some info. 

anyways, I take 6 mgs every nite and have noticed my sleep was better therefore my seizures under more control.  it puts me into a deep sleep that does not make you "woozy" in the morning unlike sleeping pills.  I take it every night about an hour before i want to sleep, but there is some controversy over that. 

it is sold all over the US - in drug stores.  You can probaly order it via the internet and it is also on ebay, if it isn't availiable in your country.

*also it doesn't interact with any medications so its completly safe in that manner*

i hope this helps

RE: RE: Keppra and sleeplessness

Submitted by Willsmom on Mon, 2004-10-18 - 12:24
My son is 17 and has been diagnosed with JME 4 years ago. He likely has had this condition for at least 5 years. He was diagnosed after having a grand Mal seizure.After a second seizure he began treatment with Lamictal. As the lamictal dosages went up ( 800 mg. / day), the Jerks got worse. We decided to try Valproate, which caused double vision, stmbling , and dibilitating headaches ( perhaps an interaction with the Lamical which he was still taking at the time.)We weaned him off of Lamictal and began Topamax. He was completely seizure free for 4 months on 250mg of Topamax a day. He had memory problems and was tired all of the time. In the mean time he was diagnosed with sleep apnea ( likely around for a long time as well). When the jerks began reappearing his neuro advised increasing the dosage of Topamax ( up to 500 mg / day). When he had 3 grand mal seizures in 4 weeks we added Keppra.As the Keppra dosages went up he began getting more tired during the day.After 6 weeks he had 2 grand mal seizures.We decreased the Topamax as it did not appear to be doing much except effecting his memory.As we decreased the Topamax we ncreased the Keppra up to 300 mg. / day.All heck broke loose.Once he was completely off of Topamax we wer up to 1 S a day and even 2 in 1 Day.This was a shock to us all as he had only 3 grand mal seizures in 3 1/2 years, 2 before meds ans 1 when he missed a dose.Since July he has had 27 grand mal seizures.He is now on a dosage of 45 mg. of Pheno and 1500 mg. of Keppra.He is tired all of the time. Cannot concentrate Cannot go to schoolHe droolsHe sees coloursHe is now on a restricted diet , no wheat, nodairy, no soy , no corn, no aspertate, no MSG.He is taking suppliments, calcium, vit.D, Vi.E. Omega 369, folic acid, vit. B6 & a multivitamin.He is beginning CPAP treatment, which we hope will turn things around.His tongue is swollen and seems to be blocking his abiliy to breath(at night) exasperating the sleep apnea.I am interested to hear that the Keppra makes some people too tired to work, I have assumed that his lack of good sleep is the culprit. He sleeps 10 to 12 hours a night and is still tired and lethargic.I am also interested in experimenting with melatonin. We tried 3 mg before bed last week. It did help him to get to sleep ( a chronic problem) and wake a little earlier, but it did not stop the seizures. I wonder if we should try a larger dose at night?The past 3 months have been nightmarish for us all.I do not believe that he is taking effective meds.I think that if I had known what I do now that he may have been fine with the Topamax and a modified diet and CPAP.Time will tell.

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