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Keppra & Birth Control Pills - can the pill mess with the "keppra" mood swings even more do ya think?

Tue, 09/05/2006 - 17:36
Hi All, I soon see my neuro & I don't know what to do. I've been on Keppra since the beginning of June. Keep in mind, for seizures I'm also on Topomax & Clobazam right now. Thing is, my life feels like emotional hell these days. I'm also on Minestrin (birth control pills) to help out with hormonal seizures. The only reason I'm on the Minestrin is to help regulate my cycle a bit (I have an IUD, so really the pill isn't that needed). However, being on the pill was going okay before Keppra got added into the mix. Now, my cycle is all out of whack again at times, the stomach problems from when I first started minestrin are back a bit - but more importantly I feel more than ever like life is an emotional roller coaster. I've been thru ups & downs before, but not like this. My question - has anyone been on Keppra & the pill together? Does the pill intensify Keppra's side effects? I like the seizure control of Keppra, but am at a loss... If you were in my position, would you try Keppra and go off the pill or would you do what I'm thinking - get off Keppra & get of it quick? Any thoughts would be appreciated. I feel like I'm going crazy these days & I don't know what to say to my neuro when I see him on the 20th. Thanks Erin

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