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Mon, 01/30/2006 - 16:17
I am readding all your notes about your kids being on Lamactal. I will be 40 in a couple of years and I am on lamactal and keppra I was just taken off Depokote in the summer and put on Keppra


Re: Lamactal

Submitted by Javajunkie28 on Tue, 2006-01-31 - 02:25
Hi Nanci, Yes I am also on Lamictal. In fact, my doc just upped the dose to 600 mg in a day (200 morn/400 nite) :) . And I take Topamax 200 mg at nite. Anyway, all that to say, I have learned from my epileptologist that Lamictal and Trileptal don't mix. I am not sure if you are on Tri. also but it weakens Lamictal down to 50% strength. I found out that my neurologist didn't share or know this information. Now isn't that a bummer. But, so far, since coming off the Trileptal, it has had no side effects and really helped me. How has it treated you? Good or Bad? Thanks for your time. Truly, Javajunkie PS I am 32 and have had Lam. since 28 or so.

Re: Lamactal

Submitted by Colina on Tue, 2006-01-31 - 11:14
Beware of Lamictal. I have been on it for a few years and it did help but it does not completly rid itself from the systom before your next dose. I have been toxic many times because of this, so make sure you keep track of side effects and if they get bad phone doc. So far since I had a med change to Keppra with the Lamictal( epival and clobazam removed) I have been feeling much better. Seizures are still there but not too bad. Meds suck don't they?

Re: Re: Lamactal

Submitted by heathersmom on Sat, 2006-02-04 - 23:07
I have a daughter 25 with a seizure disorder since she was 10. She has been on Zarontin, Depakote, Tegretol and now Lamictal. About 5 or 6 months after she started on Lamictal she started these episodes of very unstable legs. I called it wabbling, almost to the point where it resemble MS. I asked her Dr. if it could by the Lamictal, he said no. He redused the medication and no change and said that confirmed it. She has an MRI and nerve test to rule out MS. All was negative. She can tell when a seizure is coming on as she says her head feels funny but when these episodes with the wabbly legs happen she says her head feel funny but in a different way. Have you heard of any of these symtoms? She has an appointment at UC Davis out of Sacramento the end of the month and I hope and pray they can find the answer. Thanks for listening. This is my first time on this web sight. What I've read and seen has been most interesting. Thank you and may God bless you all. Sonia Smith

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