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Lamictal dosage

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 23:52
I'm currently taking 800mg of lamictal per day. I still have a break through seizure approximately every 3 months. I haven't had any troubles with Lamictal and feel it is a great drug for me. My neuro wants me to switch since I'm still having break through seizures and said 800mg is the max he will prescribe for lamictal. Has anyone been on higher doses of lamictal with sucess? Thanks.


Re: Lamictal dosage

Submitted by scorpio on Fri, 2006-10-13 - 08:53
800mg per day is quite a high dosage; which is presumably why the neuro wants you to try another AED. Chris

Re: Lamictal dosage

Submitted by Matthew on Fri, 2006-11-03 - 00:27
I can hardly tollerate 150mg Lamictal a day (+800mg Tegretol). If I increase to 175 I can't even keep track of what day of the week it is (literally). Matthew

Re: Re: Lamictal dosage

Submitted by mikec2 on Fri, 2006-11-03 - 02:19
I am on 200 day, 200 night. I was great at 350....I'm wondering if I may have overshot my sweetspot with the dose. What are the symptoms for two high a dose?

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