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Lamictal Effects on 8 Year Old

Wed, 05/31/2006 - 22:08
Hi: My 8 year old son was diagnosed with E in December 2005. Thankfully he's only had a couple of seizures prior to starting his meds. His E has been completely controlled by Lamictal, but lately I have noticed that his hands shake a lot. Unfortunately, I did not notice it, his teacher emailed me his concerns. Since it was pointed out to me, I have noticed it and can't believe I hadn't noticed it before-it's sooo pronounced! We have an appt with his ped nuero in a couple of days, but I was wondering if anyone has had this experience while on Lamictal. He is currently on 100 mg in the am and 100mg in the pm. I'd love some feedback from anyone who's had nervousness or shakiness as a side effect of this med. I've seen many other postings on Lamictal, but didn't see this mentioned as a side effect. Thanks for the support, It's great to have a place to go where people actually know what we're going through! God bless everyone with E and the families that love and support them!


Re: Lamictal Effects on 8 Year Old

Submitted by psgravitt on Mon, 2006-06-05 - 01:17
Hi Chris' Mom... My son has been on Depakote ER since he was 2 years old ( he's 16 now) and just recently on Lamictal. He's had hand tremors since being on both meds. Fine motor coordination for him is therefore compromised. For example, learning to write in cursive in school was quite difficult, chemistry lab in high school is sometimes hard, buttoning a shirt is frustrating. Fortunately, we've all learned to adapt to his challenges. I feel really bad for him sometimes, but he seems like a happy kid and rolls with the punches.

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