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Mother & Daughter Epilepsy

Sun, 08/27/2006 - 21:54
Was wondering if there was any mothers out there whose daughter, or son for that matter, have mysteriously developed the same type of Epilepsy as yourself. Susan.


Re: Mother & Daughter Epilepsy

Submitted by natalya on Mon, 2006-09-04 - 20:35
Susan, My mom has an epilepsy. The only difference we have is the frequancy. We both have tonic-clonic seizures but when she started to have them at age of 12 she had them every day and sometimes even few times a day. I have them rarely, once or twice a year. Also she always has the warning sign and I never do. Now she didn't have seizures for the last 8 years. After taking so much medicine for all these years she is not taking any now. I hope the same thing will happend to me. Natalya.

Re: Re: Mother & Daughter Epilepsy

Submitted by sgritchie on Sat, 2006-09-09 - 05:40
Natalya, thank you for reply, sorry has been awhile since been online. Your condition seems very different compared to your mother. Its great that hers have stopped or have been controlled. I hope you have a very good Neurologist that is looking after you and particularly I hope that you are happy with him - this is very important. I wish you luck Natalya, keep positive and remember to keep a diary of your condition. Susan

Re: Mother & Daughter Epilepsy

Submitted by angel_lts on Tue, 2006-09-05 - 07:15
Susan, My seizures are different from my sisters. I was sick as a child. But they say sometimes, it can also be caused by a deficiency in the family. take care Lisa

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