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Sun, 01/29/2006 - 17:49
does anyone take lamactal and kepra Does anyone take it more than three times a dy morning afternoon and night


Re: nanci

Submitted by edy_telephone on Sun, 2006-01-29 - 22:14
Hi Nancy, I am taking Lamictal and Keppra in the morning and in the evening. What about you? Are you taking your medication several times during the day? When I have a very mild absences I take a Rivotril (0.5 mm) whenever it happens. Are you having some problems?

Re: Re: nanci

Submitted by nanci on Mon, 2006-01-30 - 12:21
Yes Now I take Keppra is still new to me. Since the summer. The Dr started me on it. I take it with Lamactal. I have to ask are you a female do you have monthly problems. If not I said to much. If so do you have problems around that time. I just got bad news. The drug store just called and said the dr wants to try me on a new med but it is going to take a few days for the insurance company to pre approve it. What ever that means

Re: Re: Re: nanci

Submitted by edy_telephone on Mon, 2006-01-30 - 21:20
Nancy, I am a female and I am 48 years old. Five years ago I underwent the operation and unfortunately it didn't work. After a short time I stopped menstruating. In other words my cycles stopped. Before the operation, I usually had seizures during the period almost every month (a couple of times). I have learned that many women with epilepsy find that they tend to have more seizures just before or during their period (like me). It isn't really known why this happens, though some doctors believe it may be caused by alteration in hormonal levels of oestrogen and progesterone. It's possible that it is due to a combination of this and other factors such as increased fluid retention and changes in the blood levels of anti-epileptic medication. Why does your dr want to change your medications? If you don't know the reason why don't you talk with your doctor and have answers and explanation of this changing medication? It's a bit unusual that you find out that your dr wants to give you new medication through the drug store. I think that it would be better to be in contact with your dr and to know the reason of the changing of medication. It is your basic right to ask questions and receive answers. Good-luck and I wish you with all my heart that the new medications will work for you. Edy

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