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Need advice regarding Depakene

Thu, 08/11/2005 - 07:05
Hi. I am new to this site, and have found so much good information on here. My son, who is 5, started having seizures while we were out of state. After his 5th seizure, our pediatrician put him on depaken. At first the dose was not high enough... Now, at one teaspoon (5cc) twice a day, he is no longer having seizures. However, he is extremely irritable, extremely tired, and eating everything in sight, as well as having diarrhea. My husband and the doctor both feel this is acceptab le since he is not longer having seizures (we are on day 6 of no seizures). I do not find this to be an acceptable quality of life for a beautiful five year old boy.In addition, I want his blood levels checked, and the pediatriican and my husband both feel it is unnecessary! I am so exasperated with my husband, and the pediatrician says to wait until we can get in to see a peds neurologist (which isn't until Aug.30). My husband happens to be a doctor in an unrelated field and for some reason that gives what he says precedence over how I feel and what I know as the mother. My husband is not doing any reading or research or learning more about seizures and our son's meds. It is driving me nuts. He also will not take off of work to go see the peds neuro dr. with us. In addition, while we were out of state, he would not and did not fly down to be with us (on a non working weekend) while my son was in the midst of his seizures (we ended up in the er at a children's hospital)...Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated...


RE: Need advice regarding Depakene

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Sun, 2005-08-14 - 13:41

Hi Krisz,

I don't have any children with E *knock on wood*, so I can't give advice on what you can do. But I did want to lend my support. I'd definitely agree that your son should be seeing a pediatric neurologist. He should have tests (MRI, EEG's, at least) in order to get a full picture of what's happening. Your son may try the ketogenic diet, in order to gain seizure control (and avoid med side effects). Or, he may stay on meds that cause troubles like irritability and sleepiness. Hopefully, you will get a decent neuro who is concerned for both your son's seizure control and quality of life.

On the other issue (you hubby being unsupportive), that's more complicated. I would make a genuine effort to sit down with hubby and tell him how I feel. I would try to be as non-confrontational and unassuming as possible. But, I would tell him that we need to approach this as a team. And that I need him to *show* me that he cares about us (as a family), by being there during these important times. You may not be a doctor, but you are a mommy. You've given everything of yourself into your son, physically and emotionally, and your thoughts and feelings should be validated.

Good luck to your family...I hope that your son is back to his old self soon!

Heather ;)

Hi Krisz,

I don't have any children with E *knock on wood*, so I can't give advice on what you can do. But I did want to lend my support. I'd definitely agree that your son should be seeing a pediatric neurologist. He should have tests (MRI, EEG's, at least) in order to get a full picture of what's happening. Your son may try the ketogenic diet, in order to gain seizure control (and avoid med side effects). Or, he may stay on meds that cause troubles like irritability and sleepiness. Hopefully, you will get a decent neuro who is concerned for both your son's seizure control and quality of life.

On the other issue (you hubby being unsupportive), that's more complicated. I would make a genuine effort to sit down with hubby and tell him how I feel. I would try to be as non-confrontational and unassuming as possible. But, I would tell him that we need to approach this as a team. And that I need him to *show* me that he cares about us (as a family), by being there during these important times. You may not be a doctor, but you are a mommy. You've given everything of yourself into your son, physically and emotionally, and your thoughts and feelings should be validated.

Good luck to your family...I hope that your son is back to his old self soon!

Heather ;)

RE: 12 year old son having episodes / frustration with doctors

Submitted by gods_girl on Fri, 2005-08-12 - 22:13


My name is Maddie and I am 11 years old. I was just diagnosed with complex partial seizures also. I tried trileptal also ,but it made me really sick so I stopped taking it. i'm not taking anything right now. I'm waiting for my next doctor's appt. in two weeks. If your son would like to e-mail I would be happy to share experiences with him. None of my friends quite understand what I'm going through and it would nice to talk to someone who understands.

Thanks and Good Luck,

P.S. is trileptal working? My e-mail is [email protected]





My name is Maddie and I am 11 years old. I was just diagnosed with complex partial seizures also. I tried trileptal also ,but it made me really sick so I stopped taking it. i'm not taking anything right now. I'm waiting for my next doctor's appt. in two weeks. If your son would like to e-mail I would be happy to share experiences with him. None of my friends quite understand what I'm going through and it would nice to talk to someone who understands.

Thanks and Good Luck,

P.S. is trileptal working? My e-mail is [email protected]




RE: 12 year old son having episodes / frustration with doctors

Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2005-08-13 - 11:24

You certainly have your hands full!  I don't know what any of that means and cannot help you there. I will tell you one thing I have learned and that is doctors in general don't like use "there" time to discuss details. I suggest you check the web thoroughly for correct information so you can be intelligent and most of all "forceful" in you desire for answers. They like to walk out of room 'cause patients won't leave fast enough.

Be sure and realize there time is limited and write everything down before you see whoever. Be concise and ask the "right" questions. You'll

get better results.

Unfortunately, I have learned too late that I did not completely understand what the doctor has said and been in tune to his "attitude." until after the meeting....too late!!!!!

So far I am impressed with even the knowledge  you have given , BUT find all and all it is extremely confusing!  

Good luck and be strong.


You certainly have your hands full!  I don't know what any of that means and cannot help you there. I will tell you one thing I have learned and that is doctors in general don't like use "there" time to discuss details. I suggest you check the web thoroughly for correct information so you can be intelligent and most of all "forceful" in you desire for answers. They like to walk out of room 'cause patients won't leave fast enough.

Be sure and realize there time is limited and write everything down before you see whoever. Be concise and ask the "right" questions. You'll

get better results.

Unfortunately, I have learned too late that I did not completely understand what the doctor has said and been in tune to his "attitude." until after the meeting....too late!!!!!

So far I am impressed with even the knowledge  you have given , BUT find all and all it is extremely confusing!  

Good luck and be strong.


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