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Partial Seizures...Lexapro?

Sat, 01/15/2005 - 21:01
Does anyone know about lexapro and seizures?  My brother had a brain tumor (benign, PTL!) and recently started having partial seizures non-stop.  He takes Dilatin, Zonegram, and Lexapro.  We have heard that Lexapro (anti-depressant) can cause seizures.  And have you ever heard of someone have a partial seizure (left side of face, neck and arm...a little leg of the left side also) for 17 days straight?  We have been all over seeking help.  He started on Nov.30, he does now have some periods of not seizing.   HELP!!!


RE: Partial Seizures...Lexapro?

Submitted by Belinda on Tue, 2004-12-28 - 15:56
I was put on Lexapro for an anti depressant.When I saw the side efects I took myself off.I have partial seizures and I don't know if it caused any of mine.Belinda

RE: Partial Seizures...Lexapro?

Submitted by Karolwf on Wed, 2004-12-29 - 06:42
I was put on Lexapro for depression and anxiety caused by the seizures-- after being on it for 6 months I took myself off of it as the side effects were worse than the depression. Now I just realize I am depressed or anxious and find a friend who talks to me and it helps. You have to realize that with these drugs the side effects are nasty and you have to decide for yourself if any one of them is worth the cure??? I think the Lexapro helped bring on the seizures for me as during the time I was taking the Lexapro my other meds were less effective and I had more episodes. To tell you the truth sometimes I think they overdose us with too much stuff -- but that is just my opinion and each one of us has to decide for ourselves what we can and cannot take or cope with.

RE: RE: Partial Seizures...Lexapro?

Submitted by jbo0402 on Wed, 2004-12-29 - 22:52

I have been taking Lexapro for several years. I was prescribed the Lexapro for major depression accompanying my MS. I have found a neuroligist who is willing to work with my seizures. He has ordered a 72- Hour EEG to begin on the 7th of January,

I know that I have sensitivities to several drugs including many for depression and anxiety. Wellbutrin sent me into grand mal seizures. Lucky for me I was in the hospital when that happened.

Is there any documentation about the Lexapro and seizures? I need to speak with the docotrs about switching my meds. That will be easier if I can present them with documentation on the side effects.

Happy New Year!


I have been taking Lexapro for several years. I was prescribed the Lexapro for major depression accompanying my MS. I have found a neuroligist who is willing to work with my seizures. He has ordered a 72- Hour EEG to begin on the 7th of January,

I know that I have sensitivities to several drugs including many for depression and anxiety. Wellbutrin sent me into grand mal seizures. Lucky for me I was in the hospital when that happened.

Is there any documentation about the Lexapro and seizures? I need to speak with the docotrs about switching my meds. That will be easier if I can present them with documentation on the side effects.

Happy New Year!


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