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phenobarb side effect?

Wed, 12/01/2004 - 16:49


I've been taking phenobarbital for 5 years now. In the last few weeks, I've had major pain in the bottom of my feet. It's constant and doesn't matter if I'm sitting or standing or wearing shoes. The pain does ease while my feet are rubbed or as I walk, but as soon as I stop, the pain is back with full-intensity. The pain is not a waxing and waning kind of thing, it's always there..a sharp ache (if that makes any sense). My feet are KILLING me!! Has anyone else expereinced these pains with phenobarbital?

7 years ago, I demanded to be taken off Dilantin for the same pains (that had progressed into numbness in my feet and hands). My neuro insisted that my numbness couldn't possibly be due to the Dilantin (people only suffer that side effect after 30 years on the drug..blah, blah, blah), but sure enough I regained feeling within a couple of weeks after stopping the Dilantin! I am with a different neuro now, and he claims that phenobarb couldn't cause this reaction. He also claims that it's perfectly understandable how one might have that reaction with Dilantin, because it's counter-productive to folic acid, but that phenobarb doesn't share that quality. However, says that phenobarb DOES deplete folic acid levels. AAARGH!!

Has anyone else gone through this? Please tell me that I'm not going nuts!



RE: phenobarb side effect?

Submitted by Elena on Wed, 2004-12-01 - 07:19
Hi, Heather!I also have problems with my legs. I didn't have problems when I have been taking Phenobarbital, but I have problems with the other medications. I had the biggest pain in legs with Lamictal, and my doctor also said me that nobody does problems with that medication. But, he believed me, and I stopped taking Lamictal. I have also problems now with Keppra. But that is smaller pain. I also read that some antiepileptic medications taking us (our bodies) too much Calcium (which is very important for our body, especially for bones and teeth). And because of that body also can't take enough Potassium from the food, because it needs Calcium to do that. I am taking now more Calcium with the food (milk, yogurt...) and some Calcium tablets, just to have smaller pain in my legs. And also I am going to yoga 3 times a week, just to have more condition in my body. I have only 28 years, but I feel that I have pain in my muscles and my bones in legs and also in my hand fingers. I am much better with more Calcium and body-condition.And I have pain almost only in the winter, because it is cold, and when weather is changing. Do you? I also have more pain when I am sitting or lying and in the night.I hope that you understand me, because my English is not so good. If you don't, write to me.Bye!Elena

RE: RE: phenobarb side effect?

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Wed, 2004-12-01 - 16:49

Hello Elena,

Thankfully, at this point, the pain is only in my feet (and not my whole legs!). But, I will definitely keep your tip in mind. As a nursing mom, who probably doesn't get enough calcium anyway, I'm a prime candidate for osteoporosis and probably should be taking calcium supplements! Maybe it will help too :) Thanks for your response!

Heather :)

Hello Elena,

Thankfully, at this point, the pain is only in my feet (and not my whole legs!). But, I will definitely keep your tip in mind. As a nursing mom, who probably doesn't get enough calcium anyway, I'm a prime candidate for osteoporosis and probably should be taking calcium supplements! Maybe it will help too :) Thanks for your response!

Heather :)

RE: phenobarb side effect?

Submitted by e_nuffofthis on Wed, 2004-12-01 - 10:59

Below is a link to a website that confirms what you are saying.  Also it states "thickening of skin", I've read that usually happens on the palms of the hands and heels of the feet.  Have you had levels & liver function done since this started....


Tell your doctor right away if you notice any of these possible side effects:

Rare - bleeding sores on lips; chest pain; fever; joint or muscle pain; red, thickened, or scaly skin; skin rash or hives; sore throat; sores or white spots in mouth (painful); swelling of eyelids, face, or lips; tightness in chest or wheezing

Also tell your doctor about these other possible side effects:

Less common - confusion; mental depression; unusual excitement

Rare - hallucinations; unusual bleeding, bruising, tiredness, or weakness

With long-term or chronic use - Bone pain or aching; loss of appetite; muscle weakness; weight loss (unusual); yellow eyes or skin

Some side effects are not serious.  However, tell your doctor if these bother you or do not go away:

More common - "hangover" effect; clumsiness or unsteadiness; Dizziness or lightheadedness; drowsiness

Below is a link to a website that confirms what you are saying.  Also it states "thickening of skin", I've read that usually happens on the palms of the hands and heels of the feet.  Have you had levels & liver function done since this started....


Tell your doctor right away if you notice any of these possible side effects:

Rare - bleeding sores on lips; chest pain; fever; joint or muscle pain; red, thickened, or scaly skin; skin rash or hives; sore throat; sores or white spots in mouth (painful); swelling of eyelids, face, or lips; tightness in chest or wheezing

Also tell your doctor about these other possible side effects:

Less common - confusion; mental depression; unusual excitement

Rare - hallucinations; unusual bleeding, bruising, tiredness, or weakness

With long-term or chronic use - Bone pain or aching; loss of appetite; muscle weakness; weight loss (unusual); yellow eyes or skin

Some side effects are not serious.  However, tell your doctor if these bother you or do not go away:

More common - "hangover" effect; clumsiness or unsteadiness; Dizziness or lightheadedness; drowsiness

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