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Phenytoin and blood sugar levels

Tue, 03/14/2006 - 10:29
Somebody respond to me please!!! I was diagnosed in july ,05. And am still totally confused. I do not know what type of seizures i am having or why. I am currently taking phenytoin 900mg. per day and i believe i discovered something yesterday, Everybody thinks i am nuts. I have been telling my family that after i eat i get very weak, some times almost immediately or withen thirty mins or so.Yesterday this happened ,Before i ate i checked my blood sugar it read 155, about thirty mins after eating i was very weak and i checked it again, it read 114, about 15 mins after that my eyes started to go haywire and i checked it one more time and it read 99. I know phenytoin can make blood sugar go up. But no where have i read that it will make it go down. What little bit i have learned about ep, I have learned on the internet! I give the doctor as much info that i can remember, she gives me these strange looks in response, I ask alot of questions and get no answer! i have all but given up !!!!


Re: Phenytoin and blood sugar levels

Submitted by angel_lts on Tue, 2006-03-14 - 12:03
Are you taking any other meds for epilepsy or your diabetes...? If so, take several other meds can bring down your levels too. here is a site to check out. Make sure you contact your doctor to let him know this info. Lisa

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