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Reactions to Lamictal

Tue, 12/28/2004 - 21:16

My 4 year old son was put on Lamictal to control his seizures and the Doctor warned me of a rash being a side effect.  He has been on this med for about 2 months now and the Neurologist had been increasing him up to 25 mg 2x a day and his seizures started being controlled somewhere between 10-15 mg 2x a day.  When we increased to 20mg his eyes were noticably bothering him and he started getting redness and a sligh rash on his cheecks and under his eyes.  Well of course I start researching on this rash and learned just how serious it can be, took him into the Neuro and he said it looks like Eczema as its only concentrated in one area (his eyes and cheeks) and no where else.  He prescribed Elidel for the Eczema and it did take it away and it comes back about once a week and I treat it and it goes away.

I guess my biggest fear is that this could be the beginning of a serious skin reaction to the Medicine that is working great for him.  We backed off the Lamictal down to 15mg 2x daily and he hasn't had a seizure in more than a month and I'm so grateful that such a small dose is controlling him, but can't help but worry that this reaction in his eyes could be warning me of something serious like Steven-Johnson's Syndrome.

Has anyone out there had any symptoms like this?  or does anyone have more info on Serious skin reactions that would help describe dangerious symptoms to watch for?  I know that with Steven-Johnson's Syndrome it is usually leisions in the mouth, around the eyes, in the genital areas, and blister like rash.   Now this does not describe his rash its more bumpy and itchy (no pain that he speaks of) and it goes away with treatment.  I keep thinking if it goes away with treatment, then its nothing serious like SJS.  Is this the right way to be thinking?

Oh and by the way he saw an optomologist for a routine eye appointment the other day and I explained his medical situation and he was concerened with the iritation in his eyes and wanted me to come back if the rash appears again so he could examine his eyes again.  He acted like there was some irritation, but didn't seem to think anything like SJS was apparent and I know he was trying to be gentle with me so I don't worry so much, but its soooooo hard not to worry.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.



RE: Reactions to Lamictal

Submitted by deborah on Tue, 2004-12-21 - 06:19
My daughter tried to take Lamictal a few weeks ago-changing from Epilim which she had taken for six months and gained 10 kilos in weight-she had only taken seven tablets, 25mg once a day alternate days and she had a bad hives reaction. I understand that this can be especially bad if taken with Epilim.But I also understand that this is a very common side effect of this drug. Specialist says to try to introduce at a lower dose. If your son has  control at a low dose do you have to increase it?could you also lower it a bit and increase again when hives goes away for a while then increase more slowely next time. Deborah

RE: RE: Reactions to Lamictal

Submitted by wendymartinez on Tue, 2004-12-21 - 10:33

Hi Deborah,

Well we did start off slow at 5mg at night then to 5mg night and day and then slowly increased it by 5mg every 5 days.  Everytime I increased, I noticed some change in him (i.e. appetite or energy level) and then it seemed as though once his body got adjusted to the new level the changes would go away.  But when we had increased from 15mg to 20 mg was when the rash broke out on his eyes and cheeks, so I took him to the Neurologist and we backed it down to 15mg 2x day.  Hes been at this level for about a month now and I don't think we'll have to go up unless the seizures appear again.  I don't know when I'm supposed to go to the Neurologist again for a check up, nothing was said last time.  I guess I'll call after the holidays and see when I need to take him back.

As for the small rash,  I haven't used the Elidel for over a week now, just moisturizer, and it hasn't appeared again.  It was like little bumps (not blisters) on his eyelids and on the skin under his eyes and it was on his cheeks as well.  It does remind me of Eczema, its just that he has never had Eczema on his eyes or cheeks like that before Lamictal.  The Optomoligis told me to watch the types of soaps I use and keep his pillowcases, sheets, facetowels, etc. washed with a mild detergent and see if that helps.  So I'm trying that and we'll see what happens.  I don't want this to be any kind of reation to Lamictal since his seizures are doing well and other than the rash, I understand Lamictal to be once of the drugs with the least amount of side effects.

Have a Happy Holiday!!


Hi Deborah,

Well we did start off slow at 5mg at night then to 5mg night and day and then slowly increased it by 5mg every 5 days.  Everytime I increased, I noticed some change in him (i.e. appetite or energy level) and then it seemed as though once his body got adjusted to the new level the changes would go away.  But when we had increased from 15mg to 20 mg was when the rash broke out on his eyes and cheeks, so I took him to the Neurologist and we backed it down to 15mg 2x day.  Hes been at this level for about a month now and I don't think we'll have to go up unless the seizures appear again.  I don't know when I'm supposed to go to the Neurologist again for a check up, nothing was said last time.  I guess I'll call after the holidays and see when I need to take him back.

As for the small rash,  I haven't used the Elidel for over a week now, just moisturizer, and it hasn't appeared again.  It was like little bumps (not blisters) on his eyelids and on the skin under his eyes and it was on his cheeks as well.  It does remind me of Eczema, its just that he has never had Eczema on his eyes or cheeks like that before Lamictal.  The Optomoligis told me to watch the types of soaps I use and keep his pillowcases, sheets, facetowels, etc. washed with a mild detergent and see if that helps.  So I'm trying that and we'll see what happens.  I don't want this to be any kind of reation to Lamictal since his seizures are doing well and other than the rash, I understand Lamictal to be once of the drugs with the least amount of side effects.

Have a Happy Holiday!!


RE: Reactions to Lamictal

Submitted by Belinda on Mon, 2004-12-27 - 10:38
If he starts itching like crazy that's a sign of allergic reaction.I know because I had that reaction from Lamictal.And I almost scratched myself raw. Belinda

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