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Shd I send Darling Daughter for CT Scan? Thanks!

Tue, 11/09/2004 - 12:26

Dear All

My 13 mth old daughter suddenly had fits without fever when we were happily having our holidays in another country 3 weeks ago.   Following that, the doctor did a blood test, urine test and an EEG and everything was normal. 

And two days ago, on 7/11/04 and 8/11/04, I noticed:-

- blank staring in my daughter for 3 to 4 seconds
- and when the blank staring happens, there is minimal or no movement, she suddenly seemed so weak
- I was carrying her upright at the time, and her body suddenly softens and will "collapse" if I don't use another hand to hold her from behind. .....
- she gets tired easily those two days.....
- and she also crys more and get irritated more....

Today - 9/11/04, she looked "daydreaming", and when we call her, there is responses but looking at her eyes and the eye ball....., I don't feel very right.......

Brought her to see pediatrician just now, the doctor recommended a CT Scan, I am very confused now....Should I send her for one? I have heard that CT Scan is not good for the brain......



RE: Shd I send Darling Daughter for CT Scan? Thanks!

Submitted by jennamay on Tue, 2004-11-09 - 12:26


Below are links to pediatric epilepsy information including CT scan info. I hope this is helpful and that it eases your mind during this difficult process.

Best Wishes, Staff


Below are links to pediatric epilepsy information including CT scan info. I hope this is helpful and that it eases your mind during this difficult process.

Best Wishes, Staff

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