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Should we medicate our 5-year-old with CP?

Mon, 03/06/2006 - 18:09
Hi! This is my first post, although I have been appreciating the information and support I've gleaned from others' posts. My 5 year old son Ben has had 2 complex partial seizures in the last year and after 2 abnormal EEGs and negative MRIs and CTs, he was diagnosed with Complex Partial and the neuro recommended starting him on Trileptal. Ben's 2 seizures were both mild, relatively...altered, unbalanced, turned head to the right, inability to focus his eyes, etc. Didn't lose conciousness. He takes a lot of meds for asthma already, so we hesitate to put him on more meds. In addition, he has always been hyperactive (doc says he's in the top 10% of hyperactive kids in her practice) and very impulsive. He gets in trouble at school for impulsiveness, not listening, and mild aggressive behavior, although he goes to a very small private school so it's been managed so far. I find it hard to justify meds after 2 seizures and worry about whether Trileptal will help hurt or help the behavior and hyperactivity at all. But I also worry that the "wait and see" approach may not be responsible. Any advice?


Re: Should we medicate our 5-year-old with CP?

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-03-06 - 19:37
I am so sorry to hear your son had a seizure. It is always heart breaking to hear a child has to deal with epilepsy. I am not going to say to medicate your son or not. But there also alternative approaches you might want to check out. I have alot of info in my group. Vitamins,(B 6, magnesium, calcium, vit d, b complex) Neurofeedback, Omega three fatty acids, Ketogenic Diet/Atkins Diet But of course the meds can help right away so you dont see him have another seizure until you look into other choices too. talk with your doctor before you make any changes Take care Lisa

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