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Simple Partial Seizures

Sun, 11/21/2004 - 04:59
Are there any medications that are effective in stopping a simple partial seizure from generralizing into a toni/clonic event?


RE: Simple Partial Seizures

Submitted by cmagun on Mon, 2004-10-25 - 15:29

Hi, My son started clobazam(frisium) when he first started to have simple partial at the age of 25months old and he is now 4 and will be 5 this dec. he had major side effects for the the first 6months.

sorry for rambling, but now the neuro and our famly dr's want to switch him to tegratol but my husband and I aren't to keen to switching meds because of the side effects.

I would like to know if there are other meds out there, that are working for other people with simple partial seizures. 

Hi, My son started clobazam(frisium) when he first started to have simple partial at the age of 25months old and he is now 4 and will be 5 this dec. he had major side effects for the the first 6months.

sorry for rambling, but now the neuro and our famly dr's want to switch him to tegratol but my husband and I aren't to keen to switching meds because of the side effects.

I would like to know if there are other meds out there, that are working for other people with simple partial seizures. 

RE: RE: Simple Partial Seizures

Submitted by tibet2 on Mon, 2004-10-25 - 23:57
hi cmagun, tegretol is a standard med used to treat simple partial seizures. you might want to talk to the doc about the extended release version, if your son is old enough to take it. clobazam is a benzodiazepine which is a class of drugs that is addictive and loses efficacy with time, so the dose needs to be increased. so it would be a very good idea for your son to come off it. personally i would much rather have my child on tegretol than a benzodiazepine. it can be difficult to change meds, but in the long run it can be a very good decision. do you like your neuro? i have simple partial seizures and have had excellent control on an ancient med, mysoline. i am in the process of switching to trileptal (oxcarbazepine), which is an analog of tegretol. so far, so good. and of course i really hope it continues this way! i did have some side effects when i added trileptal and i did feel the decrease in mysoline. overall it has been a relatively easy change. i'm not finished with the process, but taking a med change slowly is almost always a good idea. this site has a lot of good info about seizures and meds. here's an article about simple partial seizures that talks about some of the meds used to control that seizure type. days docs do not use dilantin, pheno or mysoline (metabolizes to three components, one of which is pheno) as a first line drug for simple partial seizures. if you can avoid it your son should not be on a benzodiazapine or a barbiturate. i think i most often hear of docs using tegretol, lamictal, keppra or trileptal as a first line treatment for simple partial seizures. but other drugs, such as topomax are also used. your question is an interesting one - it would be interesting to know what the top 3 meds are for treating people who are new to simple partial seizures. it would be great to start the med change soon so that he will be steady on a new med before he starts kindergarten. best of luck in your decision.

RE: RE: RE: Simple Partial Seizures

Submitted by Clunk1234567 on Tue, 2004-10-26 - 18:56
Doctors have been trying to do that to me for the last couple of decades

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