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Stopped my medication - need advice please!

Mon, 07/10/2006 - 09:35
Hi all, I'm looking for a bit of advice if possible - I'm 26 and have been diagnosed with epilepsy for almost a year and a half, I was prescribed Lamictal which I should take 4 times a day. I haven't taken my meds for a few months now - I've been fit free for over a year and felt that I could manage without them - probably a stupid idea but I've been fine. I'm due to see my Doctor on Friday for my yearly check up - should I be honest and tell him that I've stopped taking them or not mention it. If I do tell him, any clue as to how he might react? Thank you! Claire


Re: Stopped my medication - need advice please!

Submitted by fzMousie on Mon, 2006-07-10 - 11:38
I would be honest with him, yes. Otherwise, he might think the meds are having an impact that they are not. No idea how he might respond. Good luck.

Re: Stopped my medication - need advice please!

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-07-10 - 17:13
You need to be completely honest with him. I dont think he will agree with what you have done. I think it is great that you have not had a seizure. You have to be very careful, because one night loss sleep, hormones acting up...could cause a seizure. How is your diet/vitamins? I wish you the best Lisa

Re: Re: Stopped my medication - need advice please!

Submitted by Culls on Tue, 2006-07-11 - 02:37
Hi, Thanks for the replies. I spoke to my parents last night, and think I will explain to the Doctor, but also I am going to start taking the meds again. I'm going to start off how I did before, building up to 4 a day. Think I've been too risky and blaze about it. My diet is ok but like you say one night without sleep and it could be game over. Thank you xx

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