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Stupid pharmacies?

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 14:08
I'm kinda curious to know if anyone has a pharmacy head-desk story. You know, the kind of story that makes you want to hit your head on the desk? I have two. Pharmacy A) Filled out my Keppra script in my HUSBAND's name. I was annoyed over that one. Pharmacy B) Well, I'm not sure if this is the Pharmacy or the Insurance company that messed this one up. Someone entered my Dilantin as being "1 pill once a day", so my insurance company won't release a refill until I'm 2/3 through the bottle. The bottle had 100 pills. I'm supposed to be taking 3 pills once a day, with 10 pills on the very first day. That means I have until next Friday before I'm done the bottle, and the company believes I should still have enough last until November 18. Anyone else? Any suggestions on dealing with stupid pharmacies/insurance companies? My neuro tries writing "Take as directed" so he can up the dosage at will if needed. I'm probably going back to the Walmart pharmacy. Aside from frequently being late with my scripts, they've never actually messed one up.


Re: Stupid pharmacies?

Submitted by Colina on Tue, 2006-10-10 - 16:28
Hi Hannah! I have never personaly had pharmacy troubles but my mother in-law has so I somewhat understand. My pharmacist is very important to me as he after all is the most knowlegible about all these meds going in my system, more than the doc I believe. I do not go to a big pharmacy, mine is a small community one. He and his partner know me by name and go the distance all the time. If they do not have the quantity i need i get what they have and they will get the remainder in the next day. If I am short on cash he will do an iou. If I am prescribed anything else he is sure to check it out and explain any interactions or if he comepletly disagrees he will call the doctor. He is my memory aswell, recently I was given muscle relaxents for my back, he felt 2 tablets were a bit much so he called the doc, I forgot he said take one and if I felt I needed another one take one. He had written 2 because he deals with so many moron pharmacies. lol. Last time I went, one presc. had run out so he gave me 2 days worth and contacted my epi for a renewal. My daughter needed a rare one and they did not carry it so he went downtown and picked it up, knowing that I do'nt drive. Our insurance info is in his computer so that portion of the cost is immediatly deducted. He even knew what to use to help my cats sneezes. I could ask for no better care for me and my family and all this around the corner. They are tops on my Christmas list always. So if you have a little independant pharmacy nearby I recommend checking it out.

Re: Stupid pharmacies?

Submitted by crashandburn on Tue, 2006-10-10 - 16:32
Be a pain in the neck to your insurance company and check your labels before you leave the store. My pharmacy wouldn't refill a med because I hadn't had a blood test in a while. I told them, "Fine, I can get a test, but if you want to be responsible for me having a seizure tonight, by all means, DON'T give me my meds". She filled them. You don't have to be rude..just jolt them into reality of, "if I don't get meds I will have a seizure. If I have a seizure, it won't be my fault because I'm standing right here asking for my meds". So..yes, I have dealt with stupid insurance companies and pharmacies. Insurance companies are harder because you are on the phone, but persist. Talk to your doctor so you can get free samples or something to get you through and get your script label changed. Most..I say most will accomodate. Hope this helps

Re: Re: Stupid pharmacies?

Submitted by fzMousie on Tue, 2006-10-10 - 20:18
I check my labels now. The funny thing is, the label on my bottle actually says "Take as directed". I'll have an update tomorrow after we hear back from the insurance company. Thus far I have only needed two blood tests. The pharmacy doesn't get your blood test they? They shouldn't, imo.

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