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Switching from Dilantin to Lamictal- help

Fri, 06/02/2006 - 10:48
I've been taking 500mg of Dilantin for 25yrs. my dr has finally convinced me to switch meds. I've never had any problem w/Dilantin and I was comfortable with it so I was never willing to rock the boat and try something else. I finally agreed when I found out it can contribute to Osteoporosis....which it has w/me. I'm a healthy, active 36 yr old, too young to be having issues w/bone mass. Anyway, I just started Lamictal, I would love to hear any feedback from anyone who has had experience with this. I'm feeling very tired. I just started introdcing into my system 10 days ago at 50mg/day. Over the next weeks my dose will gradually climb to 200mg, not until that point will they start backing off my Dilantin. If I'm tired now at 50mg, I'm afraid I'll be exhausted by the time they are planning to begin to decrease my Dialntin. Will my system adjust or will I have to write off the next month and resign myself to being a couch potatoe?


Re: Switching from Dilantin to Lamictal- help

Submitted by dwsledge on Sat, 2006-06-03 - 10:56
That is a question I wish I could answer. I have been taking dilantin for 19 yrs and my doctors have tried in the past to take me off Dilantin it didn't work for me. I have concerns about the side effects of Dilantin and considering trying a new medication. Good luck with your switch and please post follow ups so I can find out how it worked for U.

Re: Switching from Dilantin to Lamictal- help

Submitted by angelran on Sat, 2006-06-03 - 21:05
I have recently swiched from Tegretol to Lamictol. I had been on Tegritol for 14 years. At first, like you, I was very tired all the time. Now, I am at 200mg twice a day and am totaly off the Tegretol. I had one breakthrough seizure and since then, I have had no sign of any seizures and I have always had focal seizures even with the Tegretol. I am no longer tired all the time. In fact, I am more energetic then ever because since going off Tegretol, I have lost over 30 pounds. make a long story short...I switched a few months ago and now have no side effects or symtoms of my epilepsy. Hope this helps.

Re: Switching from Dilantin to Lamictal- help

Submitted by chica on Sat, 2006-06-03 - 23:23
I have actually switched from Dilantin to Lamictal as well. I wasn't on Dilantin for a really long time but I had to make the slow transition as well. Eventually they upped my dosage to 200mg 2X/day It was definately an adjustment for me too, but I have a lot more energy on Lamicatal than I did on Dilantin. I think you will also find that once you have been fully transitioned to Lamictal you will find that you will feel really well. The effects you are feeling right now too is most likely the fact that you have both medications in your system and so they are interacting with one another. Definately won't be a couch potato... I hope that my transition experience as well as the others that share theirs with you will make you feel better, and you don't have to worry as much... Christine *smile*

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