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From Tegratol to Depakote plus topomax

Mon, 09/11/2006 - 12:29
Hello: I have a strong family history of epilepsy and both my brother and I "outgrew" epilepsy during our teenage years after being on Depakote for years. I had often felt that through my 20s that maybe I woudld have a seizure or 2, but it was nothing to get too excited about. Now I am in my 30s. In the last 3 or 4 years my epilepsy has progressed. I have right temporal complex partial seizures that many times become generalized. About 4 months ago I started having 1-2 seizures on a daily basis. EEG comfirmed everything and was a mirror image of my EGG from childhood. They started me on Tegratol. Within a few days, I felt like I was living in a nightmare. I was like a zombie. They took me off of that and switched to Depakote. That was better, but didn't totaly control the seizures. They got me up to 5 pills ( at 250mg) a day , which still isn't totally controlling everything. PLUS...I am gaining like 3-4 pounds week on the depakote. I am already a heavier person with a history of diabetes in my family and I CANNOT AFFORD TO GAIN ANYMORE WAIT. So my Dr. just put me on TOPOMAX (i am in the weaning up phase) while I am still on the Depakote at the full dose. I will see her in 2 weeks and then review. However, I don't feel as bad as I did on the tegratol...I do feel like I am pretty darn slow. I work in a feild where mental quickness is important. Plus that's my personality. Is there any chance that the Topamax "stupid" feeling will get better? I don't want to be stupid. BUT for my health I can't have seizure nor can I be fat (by the way I weighed 222 before depa and weighed 240 now...I am 5"7') thanks


Re: From Tegratol to Depakote plus topomax

Submitted by hblaurah on Tue, 2006-09-12 - 10:25
Hi ebaum, I think the most important thing is getting your seizures under control first. I know weight gain is no fun but it's better than having seizures. I heard Topomax helps people lose weight so hopefully it will control your seizures and after a few weeks the "stupid" feeling you are experiencing will go away after your body ajusts to the meds. Good luck and take care.

Re: Re: From Tegratol to Depakote plus topomax

Submitted by CosmicTrigger on Tue, 2006-09-12 - 14:20
I just switched to Topomax am currently going through horrible rashes all over my body. Apparently I'm a minority but it's no fun at all. Now I'm switching too Keppra which is gonna put a hole in my wallet. ug!

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