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Tue, 08/01/2006 - 22:23
Has anyone gained weight while taking tegretol? Has anyone had continuous seizures while taking tegretol? Has anyone had to increase their dosage of tegretol after a year or two or three of being on tegretol since it seemed like the seizures had gotten worse and that it took more tegretol in order to control the seizures? Please e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks Sharon


Re: tegretol

Submitted by lara on Thu, 2006-08-10 - 09:07
I take Tegritol slow release as well as Topirimate I have gained loads of weight and fell like rubbish I have also incresed my dosage many times and the seizures are really irregular. A really unpredicable drug. Keep happy :-)

Re: Re: tegretol

Submitted by Rufus36 on Sat, 2006-08-12 - 09:51
Hi Lara, I take 'Tegretol Retard' which is probably the same as you.. like a slow release drug. I've taken it for years now, & have had relatively few side effects, except for feeling tired lots. My fits are really irregular as well tho, & like you I did gain loads of weight. but since going to Weight Watchers last year, I've lost quite a lot which has really improved my confidence... try it, its a great diet & really worked for me. :-) Ruth

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