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Tegretol Brand Vs. Generic

Fri, 06/18/2004 - 09:41
When I originally started taking Tegretol, my (now retired) doctor told me it was important to take the brand and not the generic...that they were not the same. So I have been doing for many years. However, now my prescription coverage is ending and I am looking at ways to cut prescription cost. One obvious way to cut the cost is to switch to the generic version of Tegretol. Anyone out there switched without any problems? Anyone told to stay away from generic Tegretol?


RE: Tegretol Brand Vs. Generic

Submitted by paul72 on Mon, 2004-03-08 - 20:12
hiThrough miscommunication I was given Epitol not my usual Tegretol Cr. Are they the same? Is it harmful. I need to know if you can help. Im in Korea now and communication is difficult. They assured me it is fine but I dont think they understood my question. Much [email protected]

RE: Tegretol Brand Vs. Generic

Submitted by mexican_fire on Thu, 2004-06-17 - 18:03
I know that your posting in an old one, and you've probably gotten what you needed from someone else, but being an EMT, I still feel inclinded to tell you anyway.First of all, your doc, is loony for telling you that you HAVE to take the name brand, and after going to school for an Allied Health degree, and taking 5 different courses relating to the pharmacology of drugs, that they are EXACTLY the same chemical. NOTHING different.The only way taking the brand name versus the generic name form, is that the Tegretol XR form of it disolves at much, much, much slower rate than Carbamazapine.It also has a more even drug dustribution, so you mantain a more even level, whereas the Carbamazapine form, dissolves at a very high rate of speed as soon as it goes past your tongue, and has to be taken 3-4 times a day because the levels keep dropping off, and the XR only 2 times. The XR is also broken down to be dissolved in your GI tract, rather than your stomach.I know, I took both forms, under the eyes of my epileptologist, they have since removed me from it, due to liver toxicity, and a 40 pound weight gain. I usually weigh in at 130-35 pounds and stand 5 2 tall, so you can see where that was a problem.I had to have a VEEG done in March, but have had a seizure problem for over 3 years. At one point this year, before March 1st, I was taking 3 AEDs--Topamax, Tegretol XR, and Neurontin.They removed everything except for the Neurontin (partial seizures), and started me on Depakote for the rest of the mess after I was released from the hospital.I have what is known as a mixed seizure pattern, and suffer from 4 types.Don't let your doctor tell you they ain't the same, because chemically they are exactly the same!The generic is also way cheaper. I took 2 tablets 3x/day for years, and I could pay for it out of my pocket.It is less than 20 dollars for 180 pills. At least it was in my state.As for your insurance, if you haven't done so by now, you need to look into getting medicaid, or if you are in AZ-AHCCCS. They will cover ALL of your meds and in-office care if your doctor signs a statment on the form that those people give you stating that you are medication dependant. It is free, they don't charge you every month for meidcaid, but you do have to keep sceduled appointments for renewal to maintain effective covereage with no lapses, and it beats any medical insurance policy that you would have to buy.I know, I did this for 2 1/2 years when I in lived in Ohio, and then came to Phoenix, and got in their system too, and have been here 1 1/2 years and have NEVER paid a dime for anything.You might check into that, it would save you a whole lot of trouble, heartache, and headache.Nancy

RE: Tegretol Brand Vs. Generic

Submitted by USMALE on Fri, 2004-06-18 - 09:41
Starry173,PLEASE listen to what I have to say. Your doc probably had a good reason for insisting on the brand name over the generic. Not being a mind reader, I can't say for sure. I can. however speak from experience. My First neurologist, now deceased, insisted that I take the Brand name Dilantin. 25 years later though, being the know-it-all, I figured that after all this time the generic must be up to par with the Brand name. Otherwise, my new doc wouldn't have authorized the use of it, right? I went for it to save a few bucks. BIG MISTAKE. I have since found a new doc and with her help, didn't have a seizure for over 26 months. Although some docs and most pharmacists will tell you that the generic is exactly the same medication. However, researching the issue will show that the "same" medication by a different manufacturer may not have the same effect. I understand that my experience was with Phenytoin, but I wanted to pass it on to you. Please talk to your new doctor before making any decisions. Get his advice. I'm not saying that the generic of a med won't control your seizures. If I knew the answer to that, I'd be famous. NOBODY knows the answer to that one. I'm just saying that there are risks to be considered. I learned the hard way. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to try new things though. Unless my seizures are 100% controlled I figure I'd be foolish not to. But that's my way of thinking. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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