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Tegretol / Carbamazepine Side- Effects

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 16:26
Yo! Has anyone ever had people say that they were slow because of the side-effects from tegretol / carbamazepine? I don't feel slow even though I take this med. I must admit that my doctor has shown me a graph on his computer screen that indicates I am taking the lowest level I can while still being in the therapeutic range. How do others who take this med feel?


Re: Tegretol / Carbamazepine Side- Effects

Submitted by Rufus36 on Tue, 2006-10-10 - 17:07
Hiya, I've been taking tegretol for about 15 years & not had anyone say to me they thought I was particularly slow. Its probly the best drug I've been on actually for having very few side effects. I get tired pretty easily & have real problems concentrating, but thats just a part of having E. People vary a great deal in which drugs suit them better & which ones give them loads of side effects. Sometimes you have to try a few different drugs until you find the one which is best for you. Good Luck with Tegretol! Ruth x

Re: Tegretol / Carbamazepine Side- Effects

Submitted by heathersmithers on Tue, 2006-10-10 - 17:31
Hi i have been taking carbamazepine 1200mg for a little over 4 years now,,,mixed with orginally one i cant remember,,,just remember it made my hair fall out (grin) now i am on the carbamazepine 1200mg and topamax 300mg....I am sure that there are days that i am slower than others,,,,i no longer think it is the meds though,,,i think after the adjustment period which seemed like forever,,,you reach a point of balance....some days,,,it is because i have a seziure,, some days it is my kids (grin) Other times when people ask me if the meds are making me that way ,,,i think it is just the way that they percieve the whole aspect of it,,,,if we are on so many meds it must be slowing us just need to educate those that are asking you the questions....Unfortunaly i have found that there are still alot of people out there that are ummmm how to phrase it....(grin) slow? to understand the aspects of epilepsly and the medication we take to try to control it... I have a couple of aunts that it seems that they think that if i have a problem that concerns my brain my iq must have slipped to about 3 (sigh).....educate educate perhaps one day they will get it,,,, Heather

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