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Topamax and Nausea

Mon, 07/10/2006 - 18:06
I listed this in another area then saw this section of the site... oops... Hello All- I was diagnosed with epilepsy after my first seizure in Feb of 2002 at the age of 21... I had a grand mal that woke me/my husband up from my sleep and had also suffered from simple partials in my left hand in my mid to late teen years but never thought to say anything as they were infrequent and never led to grand mals (thank God)... I didn't think they were anything more than bad spasms (I never knew that there were other kinds of seizures!) long story short, I began taking tegretol xr shortly there after with great results and had been on it for 4 years until about 10 weeks ago. Over the course of the 4 yrs on tegretol I gained about 60lbs (which is alot at 5' 4")and had a difficult time losing any weight no matter how hard I tried. So, 10 weeks ago I began the switch to topamax... I have been losing weight which is great but have experienced the usual word and memory problems as well... those problems have improved as the weeks have passed though. One thing that has not improved though is the nausea... initially, I just had a decreased apetite but no nausea... since I hit the 125 or 150mg+ dose I have had a good deal of nausea anytime I eat any type of food... I am now up to my 200mg/day dose... bland foods, carbs, chicken, do best... anything sweet is horrible = ( So, I am going to talk to my DR. about this of course, my appointment got moved becase of last weeks holiday... sorry for the long message... anyone else have any experience with this? does it get better? thanks in advance! Kristin


Re: Topamax and Nausea

Submitted by ccruse on Mon, 2006-07-10 - 22:02
I am on Topamax as well, and I do have occasional nausea which seems to occur out of the blue. I have been on it just a little over a year. I initially had the loss of appetite, weight loss, etc., and now every so often will get unexplained nausea, which I will assume is related to the Topamax as there is no other explanation for it.

Re: Re: Topamax and Nausea

Submitted by kcox1228 on Tue, 2006-07-11 - 18:21
did you have more nausea in the beginning then it got better? and now it is less frequent? When I started on topamax I only had waves of nausea that came and went randomly but now it is more of a steady thing... I hope it gets better with time... or maybe I am on too high a dose for me... who knows... thanks, Kristin

Re: Re: Re: Topamax and Nausea

Submitted by kcox1228 on Mon, 2006-07-17 - 22:37
So my doctor just gave me the 100 mg pills to take 2x per day instead of the 4 - 25 mg pills to take 2x per day and that seems to have helped alot... maybe the smaller pills were just disolving too quickly? thanks, Kristin

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