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Sat, 02/05/2005 - 12:22
Hi, my son is taking trileptal for about 2 months. We have seen a change in his school work. He is 14 years old and in his first year of high school. Does anyone know if this medicine has been known to have this side effect ? If it does ,any suggestions to help him do better?


RE: trileptal

Submitted by e_nuffofthis on Wed, 2004-01-14 - 09:04
All antiepileptic medications unfortunately could have cognitive ramifications. The only thing you can do is to inform the school of the problem and get him extra help (resource room). He may also need extra time to take tests, which they can provide for you. Usually the special ed department takes care of these things. I'm really sorry, believe me, I know what you are going through. Trileptal is suppose to be one of the better ones in this department, but my son was on it and I can tell you that he had a lot of problems cognitively too.

RE: trileptal

Submitted by WashkuhnR on Fri, 2004-01-16 - 13:57
Hi Dolly, I don't have a lot of time to answer you now but will add more later. One thing I found out is that my doctor aways perscribes my medication stronger than I can handle, even though my blood test say I should be able to handle it. I wonder ( if this medicine is controling his seizures) is it just to strong? Tell me more specificly what are the side effects you see and I'll get back to you. Bob

RE: trileptal

Submitted by Antoart on Fri, 2004-01-16 - 20:52
Hi, Dolly. I have had epilepsy for 25 yrs. and I was no genious in shcool do to meds. What they do to the brain is beyond belief which brings me to to answer your question that yes, it will slow your sons learning ability down. I would have him overlook the medications with his Neurologist.

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